THE AGORAN BIWEEKLY JOURNAL VOLUME 46, ISSUE 2 Tuesday edition November 23, 1999 ADOPTED PROPOSALS ----------------- "Bookkeeping Reduction" by Blob - Proposal 3940 adopted 11/14 Basic Officer Salary set by Treasuror, not Chancellor. Officeholders tracked by Payroll Clerk, not Registrar. Bank debts are paid by Currency Recordkeepors, not Chancellor. "Clarify Currency Movement" by harvel - Proposal 3938 adopted 11/7 Rule 1902: If a Proposal failed but no one Voted AGAINST, P-Notes are not distributed. "Cleaning up the Queue" by Wes - Proposal 3943 adopted 11/20 Zero-Priority Proposals may be removed after two weeks, not a month. "Enslave the Blot!" by Murphy - Proposal 3939 adopted 11/7 Blots count toward the number of Indulgences to Auction each month. "Get Rid of (P-Notes)^2" by Peekee - Proposal 3945 adopted 11/20 Change Proposal Costs from amounts of P-Notes to simple numbers, which was clearly intended. "Minimum Income" by harvel - Proposal 3944 adopted 11/20 This replaces the Unemployment Benefit. All Players receive Minimum Income. Officers may or may not receive a Salary in addition to Minimum Income. "Perstemify Bonus for Repeal" by harvel - Proposal 3947 adopted 11/20 In Rule 947 (Bonus for Repeal), replace the remaining "1 P-Note" with "30 Stems", which was clearly intended. REJECTED PROPOSALS ------------------ "Decimalize MUQs" by Peekee - Proposal 3946 rejected 11/20 Require all MUQs to be an integral power of ten. "Legislative Status Fix" by Wes - Proposal 3941 failed quorum 11/14 Fix denial of Voting privileges. "VOTE ABSTAIN" by Peekee - Proposals 3942 rejected 11/15 Players are bribed to abstain, in case the Proposal is adopted. The point of this Proposal is to be Insane and receive no FOR Votes. PENDING PROPOSALS ----------------- "Disinterested Proposals" by Peekee Intent to make a Proposal Disinterested may not occur before the Proposal is Proposed. "Issues" by harvel "Issue" is the collective term for "Proposal, Election or Referendum". "Legislative Fix" by Wes - Proposal 3949 Fix denial of Voting Privileges. "No More Circles" by Blob - Proposal 3948 Rules 1902 (Currency Movements upon Proposal Resolution) and 1903 (Currency Circulation Taxes) are repealed. "Public Forum and other fora" by t Officers may choose to accept or ignore messages received by a method other than the Public Forum or direct mail. "Secret Proposals" by Peekee Secret Proposals (Priority Cost +1) have secret Priority till Distribution. "Voters and Legislators" by Peekee Fix denial of Voting Privileges. Add a Legislative Status of Mute which prevents one from Proposing. "Voters and Legislators" by Wes Do nothing. PROTO-PROPOSALS --------------- "Agora Improvement I: The Flotation Kicked Her" by Elysion Auctions end if there are no bids for 72 (not 24) hours. Actions with N Supporters may be performed immediately upon gaining the necessary Support. Rule 1643 (Statements of Policy) is repealed. The Notary is the Executor of entities in Probate, but may only use that power as specified by Rule 1908 (Automatic Dispensation). The Registrar may remove Honourary Players, and they are no longer declared to be Players for non-Agoran purposes. All the Offices are defined in a single Rule. Currency Reports are standardized. "Dependent Actions" by harvel Combine Rules 1728 (Actions Without N Objections) and 1874 (Actions With N Supporters). "Destroy Economy!" by t Repeal all Rule text involving Currency. "Dismissal of a CFJ at the Caller's Request" by Murphy The caller of a CFJ may submit a Motion to dismiss the CFJ before it is Judged. Dismissal due to irrelevance of Statement is optional. "Events with a Sole Purpose" by Peekee An event may occur for one or more Sole Purposes. When that event occurs, and the message initiating it unambiguously identifies exactly one of its Sole Purposes, then that Sole Purpose occurs. "Exchange Rates" by Murphy Each Basic Currency has an Exchange Rate from 0.1 to 1 which the Payroll Clerk may change Without Objection. Paying X Stems gets you (X * Exchange Rate) of your ABC. "Fix Changing Priority" by Peekee A P-Note transfer may increase a Proposal's Priority only once. "Free Monetary Policy" by Blob Remove the Without 5 Objections requirement from Rule 1917 (General Currency Taxation). Remove the Without Objection requirement from Rule 1735 (The Chancellor as Bank's Executor). "Points" by Wes Points are a Currency transferred only when the Rules explicitly allow or require it. When a Rule Awards Points or Penalizes Points, any Player may unambiguously point it out and execute a matching payment Order for Points. Possessing at least 200 Points is a Win Condition. Upon a Win, all Points are destroyed, and all Point Payment Orders are vacated. "Probate Cleanup" by Murphy Fix "Executor in Probate" in Rule 1637 (Wills). Repeal Rule 1757 (Implementation of Probate Plans). "Real Rebels" by Blob Rebels keep eir Offices after a successful Revolt. Rebels pay no taxes. Rebelliousness can be changed only once per month. Inciting to Riot is checked at the beginning of each month, is 2 Blots, and is applied to all Rebellious players. The Herald, not the Registrar, applies the Indulgence tax. "Secret, Unknown and Hidden Proposals" by Peekee Secret Proposals have secret Priority till Distribution. Unknown Proposals have secret text till Distribution. Hidden Proposals have secret existence between submission and Distribution. Each of these increases the Proposal's Priority Cost by 1. "Ssh, It's a Secret" by Blob Information defined by the Rules as Secret is private with respect to the Freedom of Information Act, and revealing it is a Crime unless explicitly permitted or required by the Rules. If the mode of voting is Private or Unrestricted, then votes cast privately are secret until the Voting Period ends. "Simple Group Votes and Proposals" Groups with at least three members are Voters and Legislators, but are considered Barred for the Voting Periods of Proposals that began before the Group existed. "Stare Decisis" by Blob The CotC publishes the Stare Decisis monthly. It contains all CFJs from December 1999 onwards, and may contain results of past CFJs. "Statements of intent to PF" by Peekee Rule 1728 (Actions Without N Objections) explicitly states that announcement of intent must be sent to the Public Forum. "The Right to Conduct Monetary Policy" by Steve Remove the Without 5 Objections requirement from Rule 1917 (General Currency Taxation). CALLS FOR JUDGEMENT ------------------- CFJ 1172 "The Private Orders issued by Murphy in the message with [TRUE] subject 'BUS: Agoran Weekly Journal' dated Sun, 31 Oct 1999 were improperly executed." 11/1 Called by Crito 11/4-12 Assigned to Chuck, who Judges TRUE 11/18 Chuck vacates Murphy's Private Orders Caller's argument (summary): "improperly" is undefined by the Rules, but there was no good reason for these Orders. CFJ 1173 "Any TO which is successfully received by the Recordkeepor for [TRUE] the Currency being transfered is properly executed, even if it was redistributed by means of the agora-discussion mailing list." 11/5 Called by Wes 11/5-8 Assigned to Crito, who Judges TRUE CFJ 1174 "The PO's issued by Payroll Clerk Lee in the email sent to [TRUE] agora-official time/date stamped Fri, 05 Nov 1999 16:36:15 -0600 were improperly executed, due to the fact that e had already executed PO's for the same purpose in the email sent to agora-discussion time/date stamped Fri, 05 Nov 1999 12:15:27 -0500." 11/5 Called by Wes 11/5-9 Assigned to Elysion, who Judges TRUE CFJ 1175 "Peekee changed his ABC to P-Notes, in a message with, [FALSE] Message-Id: <> sent on Fri, 5 Nov 1999 17:47:29 +0000." 11/6 Called by Peekee 11/7-10 Assigned to harvel, who Judges FALSE Caller's argument (summary): Peekee set eir ABC on August 29, and attempted to change it on November 5. Rule 1911 (Basic Currencies) requires a three-month wait. Rule 459 (The Nomic Week) says that monthly events occur on the first of the month, so "three months" have in fact elapsed. Judge's refutation (summary): Change of ABC is not an automatic event. Besides, the Caller's interpretation would cause September 1 to be "one month after" August 29, which is absurd. CFJ 1176 "A message sent to agora-discussion and received by the [FALSE] intended recipient(s) has full legal effect, unless the Rules exclude agora-discussion as a legally effective method of delivery for that message." 11/6 Called by Murphy 11/7-13 Assigned to Kolja A., who Judges FALSE 11/14 Appealed by Murphy and Chuck Judge's refutation (summary): "Exclude" is interpreted as "exclude explicitly" and thus fails to include requirements to post to the Public Forum. CFJ 1177 "The Proposal "Voters and Legislators 1.1", as Proposed by [FALSE] Peekee on the 6th of November 1999, was made Disinterested by Peekee on the 9th of November 1999." 11/11 Called by Peekee 11/13-14 Assigned to lee, who Judges FALSE Caller's argument (summary): Intent was announced before the Proposal was submitted, but this is okay. Peekee's submission on November 6 and attempted Disinteresting on November 9 are not questioned. Judge's refutation (summary): Intent did not unambiguously identify a Proposal. CFJ 1178 "Rule 1729 permits voting on Insane Proposals by private [TRUE] message to the Assessor, even when the prevailing mode of voting on Proposals is Public." 11/12 Called by Blob 11/13-18 Assigned to Michael, who Judges TRUE 11/19 Michael grants Motion to Annotate Rule 1729 Caller's argument (summary): It takes precedence over Rule 1764 (Modes of Voting). CFJ 1179 "If the Rules require a Player to act on a message in a [TRUE] certain way upon receiving it - without restrictions on the method of delivery - and the Player receives the message via agora-discussion, then e is still required to act on it in that way." 11/14 Called by Murphy 11/14-15 Assigned to Palnatoke, who Judges TRUE Judge's argument (summary): Receiving a message via a-d is still receiving it. CFJ 1180 "Peekee successfully raised the Priority of eir Proposal 'Secret Proposals' repeatedly in the message titled 'Priority Increase' with 'Message-Id: <>' as sent to the PF on the 18th of November 1999." 11/19 Called by Peekee 11/20 Assigned to Murphy Caller's argument (summary): Increasing a Proposal's Priority by the same amount multiple times is still a single purpose. OFFICES ------- 11/12 Voting begins in Registrar Election. Candidates are Michael and Peekee. 11/21 Michael is Elected Registrar. OTHER ----- 11/7 Wes resigns as Contestmaster of The Magical Sheltor, causing it to dissolve. 11/8 Wes makes Chuck Quiet. 11/12 Chuck posts to the Public Forum, becoming Noisy again. 11/16 Peekee attempts to make "Voters and Legislators 1.1" Disinterested, having "announced" eir intent to emself; but Rule 478 defines "announce" as "send to the Public Forum". Peekee becomes a Maniac. 11/18 Treasuror Blob seeks Support to amend the Budget as follows, to reflect "Bookkeeping Reduction": Include the current Basic Officer Salary Remove the recently repealed Chancellor Transfer 0.2 BOS from Registrar to Payroll Clerk harvel and lee Support this change. Peekee attempts to increase a Proposal's Priority by 2 several times, arguing that the additional increases are not "other purposes" for the Transfer Order enabling a single increase. lee announces intent to levy a 50% Stem Tax on 12/2, exempting 250 Stems per Player and 10 Stems per non-Player. 11/19 Crito Supports the Budget amendment. 11/20 Treasuror Blob acknowledges that eir Budget amendment would not reflect "Minimum Income". E seeks Support for a new Budget amendment, as follows: Include the current Basic Officer Salary Remove the recently repealed Chancellor Transfer 0.2 BOS from Registrar to Payroll Clerk Adjust all Salaries to use Minimum Income method lee Supports this change. TRADE OFFERS ------------ Ongoing offers: Player Date Will sell In return for ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Carnival 9/16 +0.01 VT 1 Denaria Carnival 9/16 10 Denaria On a Player's birthday, sing "Happy Birthday" to em in a key with at least four sharps Elysion ? FOR Vote VT cost + 5 Denaria; individual refusal OotEE 9/13 1 Iris 1 VT; non-members subject to 9% Tariff Murphy 9/11 1 +VT 1 Indulgence; individual refusal Murphy 9/11 1 +VT 25 IATs; individual refusal 9/18 The Agoran Carnival accepts deposits of VTs, P-Notes, Indulgences or IATs. Weekly interest is 3 Denaria per unit (30 for Indulgences). The Agoran Carnival will loan its VTs, P-Notes, Indulgences or IATs. Weekly interest is 5 Denaria per unit (45 for Indulgences). The Agoran Carnival will pay N of any Basic Currency in exchange for (N of any other Basic Currency plus N Denaria). One-time offers: Player Date Will sell In return for ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Blob 11/1 10 +VTs 1 Indulgence Carnival 11/12 Denaria 2 blocks of 50 -VTs Carnival 11/12 2 blocks of Denaria 50 P-Notes Chuck 9/1 IATs Up to 50 +VTs, negotiable harvel 11/13 Negotiable Delegation of Assessor from 11/23 to 12/1 lee 11/1 5 +VTs 1.1 Indulgences (directed to Palnatoke, but e declined on 11/6)