From Mon Jun 26 01:08:02 2000 Date: Sat, 24 Jun 2000 18:38:32 -0700 From: Ed Murphy Reply-To: To: Subject: BUS: Agoran Weekly Journal Editor's note: Evidence pertaining to CFJ 1232 would be much appreciated, as it would allow the Journal's description of same to be considerably more informative. THE AGORAN WEEKLY JOURNAL VOLUME 46, ISSUE 20 June 24, 2000 ADOPTED PROPOSALS ----------------- "Fix Wins" by t - Proposal 4019 adopted 6/18 An announcement of a Win must identify all Players eligible to Win at that time. "Property and Democracy" by Kelly - Proposal 4018 adopted 6/18 Property is a generalization of Currency. Units of non-Currency Property are distinguishable. Transfer Orders are replaced with Notices of Transfer. Payment Orders are replaced with Debts. Debts may be satisfied or forgiven. If a Notice of Transfer claims to be for debt payment, but does not correspond to any current debt, then it shall either be retained as payment against future debt, or returned (voluntarily or on demand). One may Order the payment of a debt. Then Persistent Indebtedness occurs every seven days till the debt is paid. Such an Order shall be stayed if the debt is disputed (this can also be done by the CotC or a Judge), or vacated if the debt is satisfied by another entity (this can also be done by a Judge). Property owned by an Executor-less entity is Abandoned. The Notary is a Limited Executor of such an entity, and may use its Property to pay its debts; forgive debts owed to it; and (Without Objection) transfer its Property to the Bank. The Bank is a single entity. The Treasuror is Executor of the Bank. Each Bank Currency's Recordkeepor is a Limited Executor of the Bank, and may access only that Currency. The Treasuror may forgive debts owed to the Bank when Ordered to do so, or Without Objection. Ideal Indulgence Circulation Level (IICL) = # Players + # Player Blots. Actual Indulgence Circulation Level (AICL) = # Indulgences not owned by Bank + # Indulgences auctioned but bids not yet paid. Monthly Indulgence Auction for (IICL - AiCL) Indulgences. Proposals are Democratic if distributed while there are less than three Oligarchs. Voting on Ordinary Proposals is free. A Player may vote on a Proposal once, plus once per Voting Entitlement (a new Currency), minus once per five Blots; minimum 0, maximum 5. A non-Player may vote on a Proposal once per Voting Entitlement, maximum 3. However, the Bank may not vote on any Proposal. Ideal VE Circulation Level (IVECL) = # Players. Actual VE Circulation Level (AVECL) = # VEs not owned by Bank + # VEs auctioned but bids not yet paid. VE Auction for (IVECL - AVECL) VEs whenever this is positive. Bids in VTs. A High Oligarch may retain no VEs, a Middle Oligarch one, and a Low Oligarch two. Possessing more VEs than this for 5 days continuously causes loss of Oligarch position. "Taral's Work for All, Again" by Elysion - Proposal 4017 adopted 4/18 Players may Nominate for Office, regardless of eir Blots. REJECTED PROPOSALS ------------------ PENDING PROPOSALS ----------------- "Conversion fix fixed" by Taral - Proposal 4021 Stem conversions are rounded down to an integer multiple of the MUQ of the Currency being converted to. [Curmudgeon's Review - summary: Useless unless the MUQ of Stems is changed from 1, or a Basic Currency has a MUQ not in the form 1/X where X is an integer - both unlikely.] "Regain Sanity" by Steve - Proposal 4020 Only Rules with Power >= 2 may prevent Players from Voting on Democratic Proposals. Rule 1723 (Sanity) has its Power increased to 2. [Curmudgeon's Review - summary: Has no effect if Proposal 4018 is adopted first. Otherwise, could be implemented more simply by removing Rule 206's exception clause, increasing Rule 1723's Power to 2, and making Rule 1723 claim precedence over Rules preventing Players from Voting on Sane Proposals. (However, this method would have the undesired effect of allowing, say, Players Denied due to Blots to still Vote on Sane Proposals.)] "Rule cleanup" by Taral Repeal Rule 1927 (Bank Currency Creation). "Speaker Delegation" by Taral - Proposal 4022 The Speaker may delegate any Office e holds, even if e is not its Electee. PROTO-PROPOSALS --------------- "My Votes Are My Own" by Chuck When a Candidate Stands Down, any votes for em are cancelled. Those voters are deemed to have declared Presence, and may vote again. "Oh, what a tangled web..." by Kelly To grant or revoke PF status to a medium of communication, the Registrar must send eir announcement via a single medium that is a PF both before and after the change. Sending it via one medium that is a PF before but not after, and another medium that is a PF after but not before, is no longer sufficient. The Registrar may, Without Objection, grant or revoke Discussion Forum status to a medium. Any medium that becomes a PF ceases to be a DF. Sending a message to a DF is not sending it to a given Player, unless the Player explicitly or implicitly confirms receipt. CALLS FOR JUDGEMENT ------------------- CFJ 1217 6/17 Appealed by t CFJ 1224 "Elysion's message of 11 April 2000, reading in part, 'The Bank pays [FALSE] all its outstanding IAT POs (50 to Michael and 75 to Chuck)', did not have the effect of executing a Transfer Order which would satisfy the Payment Order executed by lee in eir message dated 11 March 2000, reading in part, 'I order the Bank to pay Murphy 130 IATs.'" 5/26 Called by Kelly 5/29-6/8 Assigned to Sherlock, who defaults 6/9 Assigned to Chuck 6/15 Appealed by Wes, Crito, and Steve 6/18-22 Appeal assigned to Wes, Taral, and lee Caller's argument (summary): Due to a mail server glitch, lee's message was not generally distributed till May 23. The falsity of this CFJ would imply that Elysion paid a Transfer Order without knowing that it existed. Judge's clarification (summary): The Payment Order sent on March 11 was not executed till May 23, when it was received by its intended recipient. Counterargument (summary): The Payment Order was an Administrative Order, and Rule 1808 explicitly states that it is executed and takes effect when published in the Public Forum. Appeals Board's counterargument (summary): The Payment Order was sent on March 11 (despite the delay in its delivery), and existed as of that time. Elysion's message of April 11 addressed that Payment Order (despite Elysion's being unaware of its existence at that time, and its omission from the parenthetical addendum). CFJ 1229 "Taral distributed at least one Proposal during the Nomic Week [FALSE] beginning May 29, 2000." Appealed 6/14 Called by Taral 6/14-17 Assigned to Elysion, who Judges FALSE 6/17-22 Appealed by Murphy, Taral, and lee 6/22 Appeal assigned to Wes, lee, and Murphy Caller's argument (summary): E sent it, but its delivery was delayed due to a mail server crash. Judge's refutation (summary): Late delivery does not cause earlier sending. Counterargument: Earlier sending is just that. Receipt is a separate event. CFJ 1230 "Taral has not committed any acts of Promotor Misrepresentation." [TRUE] 6/18 Called by Taral 6/18-21 Assigned to harvel, who Judges TRUE 6/22 Taral submits a Motion that Kelly be Ordered to expunge any Blots related to accusations that Taral committed any acts of Promotor Misrepresentation Judge's argument (summary): Taral did not believe eir actions were a Crime when e performed em, so Rule 1575 applies. CFJ 1231 "t, acting as Executor of the Zombie Novalis, caused Novalis to [TRUE] cast four votes AGAINST Proposal 4018." 6/19 Called by Steve 6/20-22 Assigned to Peekee, who Judges TRUE Caller's argument (summary): t clearly attempted to do so. E had previously caused Novalis to come Off Hold. Did t "made it clear" (for the purpose of Rule 1478) that e was acting on Novalis's behalf, by stating "Novalis does " and signing it with eir own name? Judge's response (summary): Yes, t did make it clear. E acted as if e were Novalis, which is precisely what Rule 1478 allows Executors to do. CFJ 1232 "Taral currently has at least 3 Blots." [FALSE] 6/22 Called by Taral 6/22 Assigned to lee, who Judges FALSE Commentary: This was intended to determine whether Kelly's attempts to Blot Taral for Promotor Misrepresentation and Promotor Tardiness were successful. Taral believes that Blots for a Crime require a CFJ (see CFJ 1230). Kelly believes that e mistakenly named a nonexistent Infraction. Judge's refutation: Even if both attempts to Blot were successful, Promotor Tardiness carries only a 0.5-Blot penalty; it is Tardiness (failure to do something ASAP) that carries a 1-Blot penalty. OFFICES ------- 6/17 Elysion and Blob become Low Oligarchs, bidding 50 VTs each. OTHER ----- 6/21 Assessor t initiates an Auction for 20 Voting Entitlements. 6/22 Steve goes On Hold. TRADE OFFERS ------------ Ongoing offers: Player Date Will sell In return for ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Blob 6/19 Vote on Ordinary Highest bidder; minimum 10 of any Proposals Basic Currency, or equivalent Carnival 9/16 +0.01 VT 1 Denaria Carnival 9/16 10 Denaria On a Player's birthday, sing "Happy Birthday" to em in a key with at least four sharps OotEE 9/13 1 Iris 1 VT; non-members subject to 9% Tariff Wes 4/5 1 Twig Commenting on and changing a proto Wes 4/5 ad space 1 Twig per 30 days Recent one-time offers: Player Date Will sell In return for ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Kelly 5/4 Any Basic Negotiable; e has 170 Stems, no ABC Currency Murphy 5/6 VTs, P-Notes IATs; one-to-one basis Murphy 5/6 33 P-Notes 0.9 Indulgences; directed to t, if Peekee turns down eir offer Peekee 5/2 50 VTs or 1 Indulgence P-Notes t 5/2 0.9 Indulgences 33 P-Notes from Peekee; will not sell at any price to an Immaculate Player Taral 5/20 P-Notes VTs or IATs -- Ed Murphy "Most of the time, it seemed sublimely unaware of its limbs, though it was beginning to suspect it had hands."