From Mon Jul 24 15:35:04 2000 Date: Mon, 24 Jul 2000 00:59:27 -0700 From: Ed Murphy Reply-To: To: Subject: BUS: Agoran Weekly Journal THE AGORAN WEEKLY JOURNAL VOLUME 47, ISSUE 1 July 24, 2000 ADOPTED PROPOSALS ----------------- "Bring Back the Worm!" by Elysion - Proposal 4027 adopted 7/17 "Honorless Worm" is re-enacted, now as a Unique Patent Title attaching to the Player (if any) with the least Kudos. [Curmudgeon's Review - summary: "What a polite, civil idea. And shouldn't it be 'Honourless Worm', anyway?"] "Remove Leftover Baggage" by Elysion - Proposal 4030 adopted 7/18 Expected VTs are no longer part of the Accountor's Report. REJECTED PROPOSALS ------------------ "Power!" by t - Proposal 4029 rejected 7/18 All limits on Voting are implemented via Voting Power. Oligarchs have a more severely limited Voting Power on Democratic Proposals. [Curmudgeon's Review - summary: One of the repeals is ambiguous and thus would be without effect. New Rule creation should specify their Power, not AI.] "The Medici" by harvel - Proposal 4028 rejected 7/17 The Medici is a new Officer who tracks the identity of Officers and Oligarchs. E controls Elections, announces Speaker Transitions, and detects Dereliction of Duty. [Curmudgeon's Review - summary: What would happen if a Payroll Clerk Election were in progress when this was adopted - would it remain in the Speaker's hands, or immediately switch to the Medici? Why can't the Medici be declared to be held in perpetuity?] PENDING PROPOSALS ----------------- "72 Hours for Holidays" by Oerjan A Player has 72 (not 24) hours after a Holiday to do things that e would otherwise have been required to do during the Holiday. "Clarify Rule 1596 (Debt)" by Oerjan A making-payments-on-debt clause in Rule 1596 is moved from the end to the beginning of its paragraph, clarifying that it applies to the entire paragraph. "Dereliction Fix" by Oerjan Dereliction of Duty, rather than occurring when an Officer fails to report three weeks in a row, occurs when e is cited for Failure to Report and then continues to fail to report through the week of the citation. "Fix Rule 1747 (Pardoning Lawlessness)" by Oerjan Correct two errors in Rule 1747: the assumption that Lawless persons are still Players, and a prohibition on recipients of Indulgence transfers (which includes the Bank) rather than purposes. "Fix Rule 1853 (Levying Taxes)" by Oerjan Amend Rule 1853 to explicitly allow tax exemptions. "General Budgets" by Oerjan Budgets are converted into a general concept, of which the Treasuror's Budget remains one instance. "One Less Rule" by Elysion Move the definition of "Shogun" to Rule 1923 (Defined Unique Patent Titles). "Upmutations" by Oerjan Increase to Power=2 the Rules defining the Voting Period and the time that Proposals take effect, so that an Ordinary Proposal cannot arbitrarily delay the ability to adopt Democratic Proposals. PROTO-PROPOSALS --------------- "Clean Up Elections" by Murphy Referendum procedure is amended as follows: * Identity of Vote Collector is fixed when Voting Period starts. * Eligibility to Vote is fixed when Voting Period starts. * One-week cutoff for challenges (previously applying only to the Voting Period of Elections) is added. Election procedure is amended as follows: * Identity of Nomination Collector is fixed when Nominating Period starts. * Eligibility to Nominate is fixed when Nominating Period starts. * Ties are broken automatically if the Speaker Voted for one of the tied candidates. "Fix Defined Patient Titles" by Peekee Repeal two Rules that define most of the specific Patent Titles. "Forced-Ordinary/Democratic Proposals" by Peekee A Forced-Ordinary Proposal must have AI=1, cannot be Forced-Democratic, has Priority Cost +2, and is locked into being Ordinary. A Forced-Democratic Proposal has Priority Cost +1, and is locked into being Democratic. "New Succession" by Peekee The Order of Succession for Speaker-Elect is as follows: * Players who received more total Stems in the last paying-out of periodic compensations appear first in the list. * Ties are broken in favor of more recently registered Players. "Papyri" by t Papyri are a Bank Currency, tracked by the Promotor, and paid to get Proposals distributed. A Proposal's Distribution Cost is 1; +1 if Urgent, +1 if Sane (each Player may Vote at most once; no non-Player may Vote). While Disinterested, a Proposal is always Distributable. Interested Proposals start as Undistributable. Any Player may pay a Proposal's Distribution Cost in Slotten to make it Distributable, or twice its Distribution Cost in Slotten to make it Undistributable. The Current Batch contains all Distributable Proposals. The Promotor chooses how many Papyri to Auction each month, but must Auction at least one. If there are at least three Winners other than emself, then e may pay out to emself Stems equal to the Winning Bid. New Players get one Papyrus, plus one Papyrus per Interested Proposal adopted during eir Grace Period. Each non-Zombie Player gets one Papyrus when this Proposal is adopted. "Points Adjustments" by Wes Points are clarified as not being Property. No Points for a Patent Title if one has already held that Title within the past seven days. No Points for a Degree if one has already held that Degree in the past. Five-Point penalty (at most once a month) for simultaneously having at least one Blot and at least one Indulgence for at least seven days continuously. "Respect for the dead" by Peekee Wills are re-defined, and the Notary may carry them out as e sees fit when handling Abandoned Property. "Secret, Unknown and Hidden Proposals" by Peekee Secret Proposals have Priority Cost +1, and their Priority is secret till Distribution. (Billing for Priority changes is delayed till the Proposal leaves the Queue.) Unknown Proposals have Priority Cost +1, and their text may be kept secret till Distribution. Hidden Proposals have Priority Cost +1, and their existence in the Proposal Queue is secret till Distribution. (However, they must still be Proposed publicly, unless also Secret; and have their Priority increased publicly, unless also Unknown.) "Simple Shogun" by Peekee Pretty much the same as Elysion's recent Proposal "One Less Rule". "The CotC's Budget" by Oerjan The CotC's Budget determines the Class of all Crimes (0 to 15) and Infractions (0 to 5, though Dereliction of Duty is allowed to have a Crime-level penalty). At most once every 30 days, with 2 Supporters, the CotC may amend the Budget. Crimes and Infractions that existed in the old Budget may have their Class changed by at most 1. "Timing of Messages and Orders" by Murphy Messages take effect when received (by first non-author recipient, if multiple recipients; media of distribution are treated as equal to individual recipients). Requirements to send/etc. are satisfied by sending (even if receipt fails) if author reasonably expected delivery within three days. "Wage Earners" by Wes Salary pay-outs and the Treasuror's Budget cover all Offices, not just "wage-earning" ones. (A new Office might be created without having a Salary, and thus might never be able to gain one, depending on how the current Rules are interpreted.) CALLS FOR JUDGEMENT ------------------- CFJ 1234 "Kudos are Property." 7/19 Called by Murphy 7/20 Assigned to Kelly CFJ 1235 "Peekee has not been awarded the Patent Title of Quack." 7/20 Called by Oerjan 7/20 Assigned to lee CFJ 1236 "Zombies are not rewarded Indulgences for being Immaculate all Quarter." 7/21 Called by Peekee Caller's argument (summary): Zombies cannot read, and are thus not covered by the "y'all" in Rule 1924. Counterargument: Zombies are people, and thus can (probably) read. OFFICES/OLIGARCHS ----------------- At some point on or after 7/15 (I lost the message), Chuck properly initiated the Voting Period of the Payroll Clerk Election. Nominees are lee and Kelly. OTHER ----- 7/17 Auction begins for one Voting Entitlement. 7/20 t wins the VE Auction with a bid of 180 VTs. TRADE OFFERS ------------ Ongoing offers: Player Date Will sell In return for ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Blob 6/19/00 Vote on Ordinary Highest bidder; minimum 10 of any Proposals Basic Currency, or equivalent Elysion 7/23/00 Herald's Privilege Negotiable Carnival 9/16/99 0.01 VT 1 Denaria Carnival 9/16/99 10 Denaria On a Player's birthday, sing "Happy Birthday" to em in a key with at least four sharps OotEE 9/13/99 1 Iris 1 VT; non-members subject to 9% Tariff Wes 4/5/00 1 Twig Commenting on and changing a proto Wes 4/5/00 ad space 1 Twig per 30 days Recent one-time offers: Player Date Will sell In return for ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Crito 7/6 Negotiable IATs Kelly 7/1 1 VE Negotiable Murphy 5/6 VTs, P-Notes IATs; one-to-one basis Taral 7/1 P-Notes VTs Wes 7/7 IATs VTs (directed to Crito) ERRATA ------ Proposal "72 Hours" by t should have been listed under Adopted Proposals. Murphy was Elected Speaker-Elect on 7/15; Chuck's Vote had been omitted. -- Ed Murphy "Most of the time, it seemed sublimely unaware of its limbs, though it was beginning to suspect it had hands."