From Sat Sep 30 18:17:42 2000 Date: Sat, 30 Sep 2000 02:31:13 -0700 From: Ed Murphy Reply-To: To: Subject: BUS: Agoran Weekly Journal THE AGORAN WEEKLY JOURNAL VOLUME 47, ISSUE 6 September 30, 2000 ADOPTED PROPOSALS ----------------- "GWotO Runs Oligarch Auctions" by Elysion - Proposal 4073 (third one) adopted 9/26 The Grand Warden of the Oligarchy (not the High Oligarch or Speaker) conducts Auctions to fill Oligarch vacancies. "Pragmatic Auctions" by Elysion - Proposal 4074 adopted 9/26 When the Priest determines how many Indulgences should be auctioned, errors made in good faith are allowed to stand. REJECTED PROPOSALS ------------------ "Stable Oligarchy" by t - Proposal 4073 (second one) rejected 9/23 The High Oligarch is not rotated out if there were any vacancies in the Oligarchy during the past week. (Lacked sufficient Power to make this amendment.) PENDING PROPOSALS ----------------- "Expand Presence" by Blob - Proposal 4075 (first one) Oligarchs may declare Presence on Ordinary Proposals. "Fix Rule 408" by Harlequin (on behalf of the Mute Chuck) Judging Late occurs seven days after the end of the Deliberation Period only if the Judge did not return Judgement or dismiss by that time. "Remove some anomalous references" by Steve - Proposal 4075 (second one) Amend Rule 1664 (Rebellion) as intended by "Improved Officer Rules" (which had insufficient Power to do so). "Votes over Points" by Taral - Proposal 4076 Reduce the award for the only FOR/AGAINST Proposal Vote from 10 to 2 Points. PROTO-PROPOSALS --------------- "Entitlements" by Peekee For a Currency with an Entitlement Factor: Entitlement Factor is a positive amount of Currency per Player. Ideal Circulation Level = number of Players * Entitlement Factor, rounded up to nearest MUQ. Actual Circulation Level = non-Bank holdings, plus Bank holdings won in Auction but not yet paid for. Circulation Level Surplus = max(0, ICL - ACL). This amount shall be Auctioned at the beginning of each month, in the Bidding Currency for that Currency. For Indulgences: ICL = number of Players + number of Player Blots. Bidding Currency = IATs. For Papyri: Entitlement Factor = 0.2 to 4, contained in Promotor's Budget. Bidding Currency = P-Notes. Promotor's Budget also contains Quorum Repayment (0 to 1 Papyri, paid out to the author of a Proposal that fails Quorum). For VEs: Entitlement Factor = 1. Bidding Currency = VTs. CALLS FOR JUDGEMENT ------------------- CFJ 1243 "Chuck is ineligible to serve as a Justice in the Appeal of CFJ [TRUE] 1237." Appealed 8/21 Called by Steve 8/22-24 Assigned to Wes, who Judges TRUE 8/25-26 Appealed by Andre, Crito, harvel, Oerjan, and Kelly 8/25 Andre creates and signs an Application to Submit an Opinion, to force the official recording of eir Dissenting Opinion 8/25 Crito signs Andre's Application 8/27 harvel and Steve sign Andre's Application 8/28 Andre submits and executes eir Application 8/30 Appeal assigned to Chuck, Taral, and Andre 9/22 Chuck, Taral, and Andre dismissed from Board; t, Kelly, and Blob assigned to Board 9/29 Kelly moves to overturn and reverse Caller's argument (summary): Chuck made emself ineligible to Judge CFJ 1237 on August 1. When CFJ was called, Chuck was ineligible only due to Rule 1871, which does not affect the Board. However, there may be some Rules that use "Judge" to include Justices too. Counterargument (summary): No, there aren't. The Rules restrict the correctness of Judges and Judgements; they restrict Justices only to decide whether the Judge did what e should have. Judge's concurring opinion (summary): The object of "it" in Rule 911's "when it was called" is "the Appeal". Counterargument (summary): No, the object is "the CFJ". The time that an Appeal is called is undefined anyway, though it would presumably be the earliest time at which there exist sufficient insistences on Appeal. Rule 541 iii) and iv) use "the matter the Board is to consider" - a phrase similar to one in Rule 911 - in apparently inconsistent ways, but this is resolved if the phrase is interpreted as "the Judicial process regarding a given CFJ". Transferring that interpretation to the context of Rule 911, the only sensible interpretation of "when a Judicial process was called" is "when the original CFJ was called". CFJ 1246 "Peekee has paid a Fee of 10 Stems since the 15th of September this [FALSE] year." 9/19 Called by Peekee 9/19 Blob makes emself ineligible 9/20 Peekee bars Crito 9/21 Taral makes emself ineligible 9/27-28 Assigned to t, who makes emself ineligible 9/28 Assigned to pTang, who Judges FALSE Caller's argument (summary): Peekee transferred 10 Stems to the Bank for the purpose of "Paying a Fee of 10 Stems", then later stated sixty times that e wished to obtain 10 IATs. Eir intent was to have only one Fee (of 10 stems) simultaneously associated with all of these wishes, and thus to obtain a total of 600 IATs. Judge's refutation (summary): Each wish has its own Fee, and the 10-Stem payment was not for the sole purpose of paying any particular one of those keys, so it did not pay any Fee. CFJ 1247 "t's Order dated Wed, 20 Sep 2000 22:50:26 +0300 was improperly executed." 9/20 Called by Taral 9/27 Assigned to Wes (who says e was ineligible at the time) Circumstances: t's first version of "Stable Oligarchy" lacked sufficient Power, due to an error in the Ruleset. t re-submitted it with appropriate Power, and ordered (Rulekeepor and Promotor) Chuck to make it Distributable. OFFICES/OLIGARCHS ----------------- 9/27 All Oligarchs except Michael lose eir positions due to Blots. Speaker Chuck promotes Michael to High Oligarch. 9/29 Kelly is Elected Clerk of the Courts. t is Elected Treasuror. OTHER ----- 9/26 pTang creates a Contest named "the Arena": Bribe Tokens (BTs) are a Currency. A Crony on an Issue is a Player willing to sell eir Vote on it. A Potential Buyer on an Issue is a Player willing to buy a Vote on it. E is randomly assigned to a Crony (if any) on that Issue, and the Referee announces a cost of (2 * some integer) BTs for the Potential Buyer to become a Buyer. If a Buyer's Voting request is matched by eir Crony, then the Crony gets half the BTs paid by the Buyer. Otherwise, the Buyer gets all eir BTs back, and the Crony may be neither a Crony nor a Buyer on any future Issue till the Referee says otherwise. Upon the announcement of a Fight Night, the Referee declares a prize structure, each Player may submit one contestant, and the Referee makes up the results of a single-elimination tournament. pTang announces a Fight Night to occur on midnight October 3. * 1 BT for entering * 1 BT per round won * 1 BT for making the finals (2 if there are at least 8 contestants) * 1 BT for winning the finals (2 if there are at least 8 contestants) 9/27 Chuck invokes the bug in Rule 408 that makes Players guilty of Judging Late seven days after the end of the Deliberation Period, even if Judgement was previously delivered (see CFJ 1240), to assign Blots as follows: Oerjan - 3 Andre, Crito, harvel, Murphy, Taral - 6 each Blob, Peekee, t, Wes - 9 each Kelly, Steve - 12 each Elysion - 15 Unaffected are Chuck emself, Michael, Palnatoke (On Hold), pTang, and the Zombies. Chuck then announces eir intent to Call for Revolt around midnight October 3, advising the Blotted Players to Rebel before then (so as to lose eir Blots) but after midnight October 1 (so as not to be dinged for Inciting to Riot). The CFJs triggering the bug are 1191, 1194-1195, 1198-1203, 1207-1208, 1211-1212, 1214, 1217-1223, 1226-1227, 1230-1231, 1233-1234, 1236-1242, and 1244. (Elysion and Oerjan were both dinged for CFJ 1237.) Steve presents the contestant of Oophos the Chaotic Attractor. 9/28 t, Taral, and Steve make emself ineligible to Judge CFJs. 9/29 Peekee presents the contestant of Bob the Assumption. Auction for 20 Papyri - Final results ---------- 350 harvel - cancelled 300 Elysion 276 harvel 200 harvel 150 Elysion 117 harvel - cancelled 103 harvel - cancelled 101 Murphy 101 Murphy 100 Wes 100 Wes 100 Elysion 90 harvel - cancelled 78 harvel - cancelled 75 Elysion 70 pTang 63 Murphy 62 t 60 Elysion 55 Wes 55 Wes 53 harvel - cancelled 52 Murphy 51 t 51 t 51 t ---------- 51 t 50 t 50 Wes 50 Wes 50 Elysion 46 harvel - cancelled 45 Wes 45 Wes 45 Wes 45 Wes 43 harvel - cancelled 42 Elysion 41 t 40 Oerjan - cancelled 37 Elysion 35 t 33 Elysion 31 t 30 Elysion 28 Oerjan - cancelled 27 t 27 Elysion 26 Steve 25 t 25 Elysion 22 t 21 t 20 t 20 Wes 20 Wes 19 t 18 Wes 18 Oerjan - cancelled 17 t 16 Wes 16 Wes 15 Wes 15 Wes 14 Wes 13 t 13 Wes 13 Wes 13 Steve 12 Wes 11 t 10 Wes 10 Wes 10 Wes 10 Wes 7 t 5 t 3 t 2 t 2 Wes 1 t TRADE OFFERS ------------ Ongoing offers: Player Date Will sell In return for ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Blob 6/19/00 Vote on Ordinary Highest bidder; minimum 10 of any Proposals Basic Currency, or equivalent Elysion 7/23/00 Herald's Privilege Negotiable Carnival 9/16/99 0.01 VT 1 Denaria Carnival 9/16/99 10 Denaria On a Player's birthday, sing "Happy Birthday" to em in a key with at least four sharps Elysion 9/7/00 Proposal Votes Denaria; during first four days of Voting Period; unaccepted bribes returned within five days OotEE 9/13/99 1 Iris 1 VT; non-members subject to 9% Tariff Peekee 7/25/00 VTs P-Notes Wes 4/5/00 1 Twig Commenting on and changing a proto Wes 4/5/00 ad space 1 Twig per 30 days Recent one-time offers: Player Date Will sell In return for ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Chuck 9/29 Current Proposals Rebel by midnight October 3 made Democratic Crito 7/6 Negotiable IATs Kelly 7/1 1 VE Negotiable Murphy 5/6 VTs, P-Notes IATs; one-to-one basis Steve 8/16 26 P-Notes Negotiable Taral 7/1 P-Notes VTs Wes 7/7 IATs VTs (directed to Crito) -- Ed Murphy "Most of the time, it seemed sublimely unaware of its limbs, though it was beginning to suspect it had hands."