From Mon Dec 11 15:18:36 2000 Date: Sun, 10 Dec 2000 23:17:48 -0800 From: Ed Murphy Reply-To: To: Agora Business Subject: BUS: Agoran Weekly Journal THE AGORAN WEEKLY JOURNAL VOLUME 47, ISSUE 13 December 10, 2000 ADOPTED PROPOSALS ----------------- "Debt conversion" by Steve - Proposal 4090 adopted 12/8 Debts in VTs, IATs, or P-Notes are converted to debts in Stems. REJECTED PROPOSALS ------------------ "Away With the Chaff Already" by Elysion - Proposal 4088 failed quorum 12/6 Repeal Rules 1949 (Continuity of Debt) and 1943 (Continuity of the Bank), which have already served their purposes. "Fix Roles" by Blob - Proposal 4087 failed quorum 11/21 Fix a typo in Rule 1936 (Auctioning Positions in the Oligarchy: "On Politicians") introduced by "Playing Roles". "Reduce Lone Voter Bonus" by Elysion - Proposal 4089 failed quorum 12/6 Being the only Player to Vote FOR or AGAINST someone else's Proposal is worth 3 Points, not 10. "Tweak Rule 1016: By Popular Demand" by Elysion - Proposal 4086 rejected 11/21 Rule 1016 (Putting Oneself On Hold) is simplified. PENDING PROPOSALS ----------------- "Enough Already!" by Elysion Repeal Rules 1949 (Continuity of Debt) and 1943 (Continuity of the Bank), which have already served their purposes. "Fix Rule 1868" by Elysion The Clerk of the Courts must select and announce a Judge under a single ASAP requirement, rather than two separate and successive requirements. "Rebellion Reform" by Elysion - Proposal 4091 All numbers used in determining the success of a Revolt, as well as the Indulgence tax following a success, are determined at the time of the Call for Revolt. A successful Revolt cancels any Indulgence Auction in progress. Unique Patent Title of Pugachev awarded to caller of a failed Revolt. Rule 1840 (Inciting to Riot) is renamed "Political Status", the new term for whether a Player is Abiding or Rebellious. The method of determining a Player's Political Status is moved here from Rule 1664 (Rebellion). Rule 1840 also has its Power increased from 1 to 2. If a Revolt in the previous month remains unresolved, the Registrar must resolve it before reporting Infractions of Inciting to Riot. PROTO-PROPOSALS --------------- "Bluff Auctions" by Blob The Dealer is the Recordkeepor of Cards, which are Property corresponding to the 52 standard poker cards. Ownership of Cards is Secret. The Dealer's Report includes only the number of Cards owned by each entity. The Dealer is the Executor of the Deck and the Pile, each of which may own Cards but no other Property. The Pile's Cards shall be transferred to the Deck whenever there is no Bluff Auction in progress. A Player may buy a random Card from the Deck for 10 Stems. A Player may call for a redeal of Cards, Without Objection from Players with at least four Cards. This returns all Cards to the Deck, then gives each entity a number of random Cards equal to what it possessed before. Hands are defined, according to standard poker rules. Aces may be high or low, but not both within a single Hand. A Hand is five Cards or less. The Dealer is the Auctioneer of all Bluff Auctions, and cannot Bid. A Player becomes a Bidder by transferring one or more Hands to the Pile; this information is Secret during the Auction. A Bidder may submit one Bid (at most 20 times the Auction Currency's MUQ) per Hand e submitted. A Bidder may raise a winning Bid (by at most 20 times the Auction Currency's MUQ) if it is not already one of the N highest Bids, where N is the number of items being Auctioned. A Bidder may cancel a Bid before the Auction ends, in which case e gets the corresponding Hand back. At the end of the Auction, the highest Bids win; ties are broken by highest Hand. All non-winning Bids (including cancelled) become debts to the Bank. Papyri are Auctioned using Bluff Auctions. "Fix Inciting to Riot" by Elysion If a Revolt in the previous month is determined to succeed during this month, then Players continuously Rebellious from Call to success are not guilty of Inciting to Riot. "Fix Roles II" by Oerjan Peekee's Oligarch bid is amended from 1 VT to 1 Stem. Organizations are reimbursed in Stems for eir previous Basic Currency holdings. Organizations may transfer their Stems to Players, but only within seven days of obtaining them. Fix a typo in Rule 1936 (Auctioning Positions in the Oligarchy: "On Politicians") introduced by "Playing Roles". CALLS FOR JUDGEMENT ------------------- CFJ ???? "Peekee has a Will." 11/?? Called by Peekee Caller's argument (summary): Peekee had a Will when Wills last ceased to be defined by the Rules. Now Wills are once again defined by the Rules. Is "Peekee's Will" still an entity? If so, is it once again a Will? CFJ ???? "Novalis and Harlequin are not Zombies." 11/16 Called by Andre Caller's argument (summary): The Zombies have sent messages to the Public Forum (e.g. to Vote), which makes them cease to be Zombies. Counterargument (summary): The PF messages are sent by the Zombies' Executors, not the Zombies themselves. CFJ ???? "Peekee possesses at least one Voting Token." 11/20 Called by Murphy Caller's argument (summary): Murphy attempted to create a Voting Token and transfer it to Peekee. Counterargument (summary): Even if the creation succeeded, the Voting Token cannot be possessed or transferred, because the Rules do not explicitly define it as being Property. CFJ ???? "Rule 1586 should be interpreted such that the Rule created by Proposal 4090 (Debt Conversion) has no effect, since any outstanding debts and liabilities in Basic Currencies were canceled when Basic Currencies were abolished from the Rules." 12/8 Called by Oerjan Counterargument (summary): Only the Currencies themselves were abolished; debts referring to those Currencies continued to exist. OFFICES/OLIGARCHS ----------------- 11/24 Steve delegates Justiciar to Crito from January 1 to January 10. 11/29 Andre calls for Kelly's Impeachment as Clerk of the Courts. 12/3 Auction begins for two Oligarch vacancies. Nominations begin for Promotor, Registrar, and Grand Warden of the Oligarchy. Elysion and Taral Nominate for Promotor. Bids for two Oligarch vacancies ---------- 50 Blob 30 Andre 20 Wes OTHER ----- 11/23 Auction for 1 Papyrus begins. 11/24 harvel comes Off Hold. 11/28 Elysion wins the Papyrus Auction, bidding 60 Stems. No one else bid. 11/30 Steve makes Murphy Quiet. 12/2 Steve makes Kelly Quiet. 12/3 Murphy becomes Noisy. 12/7 Kelly becomes Noisy. Notary Peekee announces eir intent to transfer all Property of Andre (12.5 Indulgences) and lee (none) to the Bank. TRADE OFFERS ------------ Ongoing offers: Player Date Will sell In return for ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Blob 6/19/00 Vote on Ordinary Highest bidder; minimum 10 of any Proposals Basic Currency, or equivalent Elysion 7/23/00 Herald's Privilege Negotiable Carnival 9/16/99 0.01 VT 1 Denaria Carnival 9/16/99 10 Denaria On a Player's birthday, sing "Happy Birthday" to em in a key with at least four sharps Elysion 9/7/00 Proposal Votes Denaria; during first four days of Voting Period; unaccepted bribes returned within five days OotEE 9/13/99 1 Iris 1 VT; non-members subject to 9% Tariff Wes 4/5/00 1 Twig Commenting on and changing a proto Wes 4/5/00 ad space 1 Twig per 30 days Recent one-time offers: Player Date Will sell In return for ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Kelly 7/1 1 VE Negotiable Kelly 10/4 9 BTs Negotiable pTang 12/5 2 BTs Crony Declaration, Proposal 4091 pTang 12/8 5 BTs Crony Declaration, Proposal "Enough Already!" Taral 10/4 5 P-Notes 1 BT Wes 10/19 16 IATs 1 Indulgence ERRATA ------ -- Ed Murphy "Most of the time, it seemed sublimely unaware of its limbs, though it was beginning to suspect it had hands."