From Sun Mar 10 10:29:21 2002 Date: Sat, 9 Mar 2002 17:20:34 -0800 From: Ed Murphy Reply-To: To: Agora Business Subject: BUS: Agoran Weekly Journal THE AGORAN WEEKLY JOURNAL VOLUME 48, ISSUE 17 Saturday, March 9, 2002 WE NEVER SAID IT WAS *EVERY* WEEK --------------------------------- Andre - Stare Decisis Goethe - Land of Arcadia harvel - THE END IS NI Lindrum - The AgorEx Michael - First Speaker Murphy - Garden Nomic II pTang - Bribe Tokens$44 t - AWJ Archive Taral - Web Judiciary ADOPTED PROPOSALS ----------------- "Contested Proposals" by Steve - Proposal 4264 - Adopted 3/4 One null Proposal per month can be made Distributable for free. The first null Proposal distributed each month is Contested: * It is Democratic. * Voting is Unrestricted. * If adopted, each Player voting FOR and not AGAINST may gain 10 Points. * If rejected, each Player voting AGAINST and not FOR may gain 10 Points. "Fix Discussion Forum" by Murphy - Proposal 4238 - Complacent Oligarchy - Proposal 4248 - Adopted 2/18 A message sent to a Discussion Forum may be public if it is also sent to a Public Forum. "Fix Embezzlement" by Murphy - Proposal 4256 - Adopted 2/21 An entity receiving Property from a valid but unauthorized transfer incurs a debt for its return, even if the transfer was unintentional. "Fix Payroll Timing" by Goethe - Proposal 4260 - Adopted 2/21 Salaries are required to be paid out at the beginning of the month (rather than ASAP after the beginning of the month), since ASAP is built into the definition of "pay out" anyway. "Fix Rule 955" by Steve - Proposal 4263 - Adopted 3/4 Rule 955's requirement of at least three FOR Votes is replaced by a requirement for Quorum being met, which is explicitly separated from the clause (Voting Index and Adoption Index both equal Unanimity). "Fix 'Streamline Referendum and Election Voting'" by Murphy - Proposal 4258 - Adopted 2/21 The definition of "Voter" in Rule 1434 (Default Procedure for Referendum Voting) is restricted to that Rule only. "Fix the Speaker-Elect bug" by Steve - Proposal 4236 - Complacent Oligarchy - Proposal 4246 - Adopted 2/18 The Speaker cannot be Electee to Speaker-Elect. If e somehow becomes so, e is immediately removed. "Increase VE Circulation" by Murphy - Proposal 4237 - Complacent Oligarchy - Proposal 4247 - Adopted 2/18 Ideal VE Circulation Level is increased from (number of Players) to (1 + New Player Award in VEs) * (number of Players). "Listen Up!" by Murphy - Proposal 4239 - Adopted 1/28 Only Noisy Players count toward Quorum of a Democratic Proposal. "Oligarchs & the Speaker-Elect" by Steve - Proposal 4262 - Adopted 3/4 The Electee (not holder) of Speaker-Elect is ineligible to be an Oligarch. "Omnibus Office Reform" by harvel - Proposal 4241 - Complacent Oligarchy - Proposal 4250 - Adopted 2/18 An "epoch" is a week, month, quarter, or year. If the Speaker is not allowed to hold an Office, and the Office would otherwise be vacant, then the Office is vacant. Resigning Officer's successor has one week to consent. Resigning Oligarch's successor has one week to consent, and must pay 1 VE. The current Cabinet becomes the Inner Cabinet. The Outer Cabinet consists of all Oligarchs who are not part of the Inner Cabinet. The Speaker shall announce when a Player becomes marvy. Members of the Outer Cabinet are marvy. An Officer who commits Failure to Report three weeks in a row may be cited for either Failure to Report or Dereliction of Duty, but not both. Rules defining Offices are conformed to this template: "The _____ is an office; its holder is recordkeepor of/for _____ and is responsible for _____. "The _____'s Weekly/Monthly Report shall include _____. "The _____ shall have a budget containing _____. The _____ may replace eir budget with a proto-budget e publishes when e announces eir intent to do so." "Real Power for Roles" by Goethe - Proposal 4254 - Adopted 2/21 Repeal Rule 1980 (Becoming Parliamentary). Repeal Rule 1934 (The Speaker, Sanity, and Buying Democracy). A Scribe with the Support of another Scribe may lower the Distribution Cost of a Proposal by 1 (minimum 0, minimum once per Proposal). Once a week, an Acolyte with the Support of another Acolyte may expunge 1 Blot from any entity. An Acolyte with the Support of a Scribe, or vice versa, may Bless an Undistributed Proposal; it becomes Democratic upon Distribution. A Politician with the support of another Politician may Unbless a Proposal. An Untainted Speaker with 2 Supporters may Sanitise a Proposal in its Voting Period; it is Aborted, but remains Distributable, and becomes Democratic and Sane. "Regular VE Auctions, sooner" by Steve - Proposal 4255 - Adopted 2/21 The Assessor's Budget sets the Voting Entitlements per Player (VEPP), a multiple of 0.1 from 0.5 to 2.0, initially 1.5. A monthly VE Auction occurs if non-Bank VE holdings are less than the VEPP times the number of Players. "Simplify Identity of Auctioneer" by Murphy - Proposal 4240 - Complacent Oligarchy - Proposal 4249 - Adopted 2/18 Auctioneer defaults to Player initiating Auction, rather than Speaker. Clauses made redundant by this change are eliminated. "Single-Bid Auctions" by Steve - Proposal 4251 - Adopted 2/18 When initiating a Single-Bid Auction, the Auctioneer must announce a Bid Inflation Factor, a real number from 0 to 1. A Player may not Bid more than once, even if e cancels eir previous Bid. At each midnight GMT during the Auction, the value of all valid Bids is increased by an amount equal to its original amount times the Bid Inflation Factor. A debt incurred by a Winner of the Auction is equal to the original amount of the Bid. "Streamline Referendum and Election Voting" by Murphy - Proposal 4257 - Adopted 2/21 Some clauses are made more terse. Some clauses are moved around. Identity of Vote Collector is fixed at beginning of Referendum. Formal definition of "Voter", "Prospective", and "Nominator". Cutoff for Challenges moved from Election procedure to Referendum procedure (since the Voting portion of an Election is a sub-class of Referendum). Elections may be Selfish (default; Nominate only yourself), Selfless (Nominate anyone but yourself), or Open (Nominate anyone), at the Vote Collector's discretion. "Win Differently" by Goethe - Proposal 4245 - Complacent Oligarchy - Proposal 4253 - Adopted 2/18 A Champion's Contest is a Contest whose Regulations say so, and whose Contestmaster is the Current Champion. The Contestmaster of a Champion's Contest may announce that a Contestant is a SemiGenius, thus Winning the Game. The announcement must be explicitly permitted by the Regulations. A Player who Wins in this way receives a Winner's Stipend equal to the ratio (rounded to the nearest 0.1) of Active Contestants in the Champion's Contest to Active Players, times the Basic Officer Salary. A Contestmaster who announces a Winner in this way receives a Champion's Pension equal to the Winner's Stipend. At the beginning of the month, if the Current Champion was Champion continuously for the previous four months, then e is billed twice the Winner's Stipend. Unnamed Proposal by root - Proposal 4259 - Adopted 2/21 Responsibility for tracking the identity of the Speaker is taken away from the Registrar and Assistant Director of Personnel, and is given solely to the Grand Warden of the Oligarchy. REJECTED PROPOSALS ------------------ "Contestant's Purse" by Goethe - Proposal 4244 - Complacent Oligarchy - Proposal 4252 - Rejected 2/18 The Contestant's Purse (equal to the New Player Award for Indulgences and Papyri combined) is paid out monthly to the Player who got the most Points from Points Contests during the previous month. (In case of ties, no one gets it.) "Free Fees just for Visiting" by Goethe - Proposal 4243 - Rejected 2/8 An action with a Fee may be performed without the Fee if the Player's Location is the same as the Location of the Rule specifying the Fee, and e announces this when e performs the action. "Shut Up!" by neil - Proposal 4242 - opposite of Proposal 4239 - Rejected 1/28 Only Quiet Players count toward Quorum of a Democratic Proposal. PENDING PROPOSALS ----------------- "And Void" by Goethe - Contested "Cheaper Democracy" by Goethe The Fee for non-Speaker Attempts to Democratise is reduced from 0.1 VEs to 0.01 VEs. "Fix Bonus for Repeal" by harvel The erroneous text "part of all" in Rule 947 (Bonus for Repeal) is replaced. "Fix 'Oligarchy Upkeep'" by Steve If an Oligarch is removed for failure to pay eir Upkeep, then the Upkeep debt is forgiven. "Fix Proposal 4259" by root Punctuation correction in Rule 1975. Remove the obsolete concept of Elder Oligarchs from Rules 1955 (The Grand Warden of the Oligarchy) and 2010 (Oligarchy Upkeep). Put the identity of the Speaker and the date of the next quarterly Speaker Transition back into the GWotO's Report. "Fix Raffles" by Steve - Proposal 4265 The Riff-Raff is the Auctioneer, rather than defaulting to the Speaker. (The Auctioneer already defaults to the Speaker.) The definition of Final Auction Price for a Raffle is repealed, as it has no effect. "Fluid Dynamics" by neil Stems are freely transferrable. If a Player correctly announces that Bonds have not been used for two months, then all Bonds are accelerated and destroyed, and the Bond Rules are repealed. "MAKE INSANITY MORE FUN" by neil A Player's Votes on an Insane Proposal must be all the same (i.e. all FOR, all AGAINST, or all ABSTAIN). "Mutually Exclusive Offices" by Murphy Responsibility for tracking the identity of the Speaker is given solely to the Assistant Director of Personnel. The Order of Succession is generalized to fill any Office that would not otherwise be validly filled. A Player is ineligible to hold an Office that is Mutually Exclusive with an Office e already holds. If needed, e is removed from the conflicting Office e came to hold most recently. The Speaker is removed from any Office that is Mutually Exclusive with Speaker-Elect. Speaker-Elect, Clerk of the Courts, and Justiciar are Mutually Exclusive. Speaker-Elect and Assistant Director of Personnel are Mutually Exclusive. Promotor and Assessor are Mutually Exclusive. "Omnibus Simple Fix Proposal of 2002" by Murphy Grammar corrections in Rules 1449, 1840, and 1990. Remove the obsolete concept of Elder Oligarchs from Rules 1955 (The Grand Warden of the Oligarchy) and 2010 (Oligarchy Upkeep). "Simplify TIA" by Murphy The definition of "willfully make a false statement of fact" is itemized. "Streamline Blots" by Murphy Move the definition of Blots into its own Rule, with more streamlined language - a Player's number of Blots is eir Stain, just as eir number of Points is eir Score. (This would incidentally destroy all Blots, as they would be momentarily undefined.) Move the clause for expunging Blots with Indulgences into its own Rule. "Streamline Succession and Delegation" by Murphy Resignation is itemized into two cases: (1) Electee resigns with successor; (2) non-Electee resigns, or Electee resigns without successor. Initiating Delegation is consistently itemized. Other aspects of Delegation are consistently described with simple two- or three-clause paragraphs. "The Jailor" by Murphy The Office of Jailor has a Budget that sets the Class of each Crime and Infraction. The Class of a Crime is from 0 to 15. The Class of an Infraction is from 0 to 5. Dereliction of Duty may be penalized as if it were a Crime. "The Scorekeepor's Budget" by root The Scorekeepor's Budget contains: * The Goal, an integer from 30 to 300. * A Point Award or Penalty for each Scoreworthy Event. * Up to five Point Awards or Penalties for non-Scoreworthy Events. * The Contestant's Purse Frequency, an integer from 1 to 6. The Contestant's Purse is paid out at intervals of this many months. * The Contestant's Purse Multiplier, a multiple of 0.1 from 0.5 to 2.0. The Contestant's Purse equals the New Player Award for Indulgences and Papyri combined, multiplied by the Contestant's Purse Multiplier. All Point Awards and Penalties are integers from 0 to 30, with an average no greater than 10. The Budget must contain at least one Point Award. The Contestant's Purse is paid out to the Player who got the most Points from Points Contests from the beginning of the previous Contestant's Purse Month to the beginning of the current Contestant's Purse Month. (In case of ties, no one gets it.) PROTO-PROPOSALS --------------- "Cold Storage" by harvel A Player may put emself in cold storage, making em a "baridi". The Treasuror becomes eir Limited Executor, with the ability and duty to transfer eir Property to the Bank; the Bank then owes those Properties to em. A Player must wait 90 days to come out of cold storage and become inactive, and an additional week to become active. A baridi may not Vote, Propose, hold Office, or be required by the Rules to do anything (even by a Rule claiming it can do so). A baridi becomes Silent after two years. For the purpose of Quorum, a baridi is considered not to exist at all. Various other Rules pertaining to Activity are adjusted to account for a three-state system. "Dissolving Parliament" by Murphy Repeal Rule 1980 (Becoming Parliamentary). "Encourage Use of Scribes' Council" by Murphy If a Proposal is made Distributable via support of the Scribes' Council, then the Promotor shall pay out 5 Stems to each supporting Scribe. "Fix Dependent Actions" by harvel The holder of an Office may perform a Dependent Action that a previous holder of that Office announced eir intent to perform. Objections may be retracted. "Fix Rule 1449" by Murphy Grammar correction. "Fix Rule 1840" by Murphy Grammar correction. "Fix Rule 1990" by Murphy Grammar corrections. "Fix Rule 955" by Murphy Rule 955's requirement of at least three Votes FOR is explicitly attached to the clause (Voting Index and Adoption Index both equal Unanimity). "Land Simplification" by Goethe The Mapkeepor shall give each Rule a new location within the grid formed by (-12, -12) and (12, 12), such that no two Rules have the same new location, and only Rules previously at a location owned by the Land Bureau are moved to locations not owned by the Land Bureau. Land type and sub-type move with the Rule. If the new location was owned by the Land Bureau before, then it becomes owned by the owner of the Rule's previous location. When the Mapkeepor publishes this Notice of Upheaval, then Rule 1993 (The Land of Arcadia) is amended to restrict locations to the new grid, and the Mapkeepor gets an extra month's Salary. The Mapkeepor may assign new Rules to any location that is not already the location of a Rule. "Logan's Run" by Murphy Repeal the no-longer-used term "Elder Oligarch". "Make Insanity More Interesting" by OscarMeyr A Player's Votes on an Insane Proposal must be all FOR or all AGAINST. "Organizations Can Move, Too!" by OscarMeyr Organizations may move as quickly as Players. "Qualified Speaker's Veto" by Steve The Speaker may, with the support of one-third of the Oligarchy (rounded down), Veto an Ordinary Proposal in its Voting Period, causing it to fail Quorum automatically (and thus be re-Distributed as a Democratic Proposal). "Simplify New Player Award" by Murphy The New Player Award is paid out by the Registrar, not the Treasuror. "Simplify Rule 105" by Murphy Simplified by including the text of a Rule as "a substantive property of a Rule". "Streamline Monkhood" by Murphy Grammar corrections and reordering of clauses. The ability of Monks to make a Proposal Distributable at lower cost is moved from Rule 1952 (Making Proposals Distributable) to Rule 1992 (Monks). "The Speaker's Veto" by Murphy The Speaker may Veto an Ordinary Proposal in its Voting Period, causing it to fail Quorum automatically (and thus be re-Distributed as a Democratic Proposal). "The Sundering" by Goethe Current Land owners will have some way (not yet written) to acquire new Land. All Land becomes owned by the Land Bureau. The grid is contracted from (-25, -25) - (25,25) to (-9, -9) - (9, 9). All Land types except Aether are repealed. (All Land becomes Aether.) New Land types of Black and White are defined. Definitions of Directional Neighbors are repealed. Repeal Rule 2000 (Rule Location). Repeal Rule 2001 (This Landscape, This Ruleset). All Players and Organizations become located at (0, 0). Players may expend 10 Movement Units to move to a Unit of a different type, or 2 to move to a Unit of the same type. Repeal Rule 2007 (Developing Land). Repeal Rule 2008 (Arcadian Cities). A Player may pay 50 Stems to change an adjacent unit owned by the Land Bureau into Black or White, or change a unit of Land e owns from Black to White or vice versa. On the 15th of each month, any Units of Black or White that are not connected by their Land type to a Unit adjacent to Aether become Aether. The Mapkeepor shall assign a new location to each Rule such that no two Rules have the same location, Rule 101 is at (0, 0), and each Rule is adjacent to at least one other Rule of the same Category. E shall then randomly determine whether each such location is Black or White. CALLS FOR JUDGEMENT ------------------- CFJ 1332 "Immediately after neil became Electee to the Office of [TRUE] Speaker-Elect (at approximately 00:23:21 on 21 Nov 2001 GMT), Steve held the Office of Speaker-Elect." 12/8 Called by neil 12/8-12 Assigned to Crito, who Judges FALSE 12/12-13 Appealed by root, Murphy, and Michael 12/21 Appeal assigned to root, Goethe, and Murphy 1/4 root moves to overturn and reverse 1/4 Goethe moves to overturn and reverse 1/10 Murphy recused 1/13-15 Murphy replaced by neil, who moves to overturn and reverse CFJ 1339 "At the time of the Speaker Transition occurring at 01:27:48 on 10 [FALSE] January 2002, neil held the Office of Speaker-Elect." 1/10 Called by neil 1/30-2/6 Assigned to root, who Judges FALSE Caller's argument (summary): CFJ 1335 was based on an incorrect determination of the identity of the Speaker. On December 8, a correct Notice of Speaker Transition made Steve Speaker, with neil still Electee to Speaker-Elect and now its holder as well. neil continued to hold this Office until the Speaker Transition on January 10. Judge's refutation (summary): CFJ 1335 was Judged TRUE on grounds other than the identity of the Speaker. The Judgement proceeds directly from that of CFJ 1335. CFJ 1340 "At the time of the Speaker Transition occurring at 01:27:48 on 10 [TRUE] January 2002, neil was Electee to the Office of Speaker-Elect." 1/10 Called by neil 1/30-2/1 Assigned to Crito, who Judges TRUE Caller's argument (summary): CFJ 1335 was based on an incorrect determination of the identity of the Speaker. On December 8, a correct Notice of Speaker Transition made Steve Speaker, with neil still Electee to Speaker-Elect and now its holder as well. neil continued to be Electee until the Speaker Transition on January 10. Judge's refutation (summary): CFJ 1335 was Judged TRUE on grounds other than the identity of the Speaker. The Judgement proceeds directly from that of CFJ 1335. CFJ 1341 "neil committed the Crime of Misrepresentation in the message [FALSE] with Message-ID <>." 1/11 Called by Murphy 1/30-2/6 Assigned to Goethe, who Judges FALSE Caller's argument (summary): neil publically stated "Read the Ruleset Week will be in January this year!" Judge's refutation: neil made the statement as a joke, and did not present it as if it were true. CFJ 1342 "If an Election ends in the middle of its Voting Period because there remains only a single Candidate, then the winner may be Awarded Points for winning a contested Election." 1/22 Called by Murphy 1/22 Murphy requests annotation of Rule 1930 1/22-24 Assigned to Steve, who Judges TRUE but denies the Motion CFJ 1343 "The Payroll Clerk may pay out 50 Stems to Neil for Neil's [TRUE] holding of the Promoter Office in January 2002." 2/1 Called by Goethe 2/7-13 Assigned to Crito, who Judges TRUE Caller's argument (summary): The Payroll Clerk is required to pay out the Promotor's Salary "ASAP after the beginning of each month" (Rule 1940). The Promotor's Salary was increased from 0 to 50 Stems after the beginning of the month, but before it was actually paid out. Judge's argument (summary): The amount of the Salary is determined at the time it is paid out. CFJ 1344 "Proposal 4243 was adopted." [FALSE] 2/11 Called by root 2/14 Assigned to Steve, who Judges FALSE Caller's argument (summary): Rule 955's requirement of at least three FOR Votes is a sub-clause of the condition that the Proposal's Adoption Index and Voting Index are both Unanimity. Judge's refutation (summary): Precedent was set by the failure of Proposal 4067. Also, the requirement of at least three FOR Votes was intended to apply to all Proposals, not just the few (if any) with an Adoption Index of Unanimity. OFFICES ------- Assessor ---------- 12/15 Murphy retired due to Term of Service 1/9 Nominations open 1/9 neil Nominates 1/10 Murphy Nominates 1/10 t Nominates 1/11 Goethe Nominates 1/16 neil retracts 1/20 Voting begins (Murphy, t, Goethe) 1/22 Murphy Steps Down 1/22 Goethe Elected Assistant Director of Personnel ---------- 1/20 neil resigns; Speaker Steve becomes holder 1/21 Nominations open 1/22 root Nominates 1/28 root Elected Clerk of the Courts ---------- 1/9 Taral retired due to Revolt 1/9 Nominations open 1/9 neil Nominates 1/9 Taral Nominates 1/10 neil retracts 1/20 Taral Elected Grand Warden of the Oligarchy ---------- 1/20 neil resigns; Speaker Steve becomes holder 1/21 Nominations open 1/28 Nominations close (no Nominees) 1/29 Nominations open 1/31 Steve Nominates 2/1 Steve's Proto-Budget leaves everything unchanged 2/5 Steve Elected Herald ---------- 12/15 Crito retired due to Term of Service 1/9 Nominations open 1/9 neil Nominates 1/10 Murphy Nominates 1/10 Crito Nominates 1/16 neil retracts 1/20 Voting begins (Murphy, Crito) 1/28 Crito Elected Justiciar ---------- 12/15 Steve retired due to Term of Service 1/9 Nominations open 1/9 neil Nominates 1/9 Steve Nominates 1/10 Murphy Nominates 1/13 Steve retracts 1/20 Murphy Elected Mapkeepor ---------- 12/15 root retired due to Term of Service 1/9 Nominations open 1/9 neil Nominates 1/11 root Nominates 1/16 neil retracts 1/20 root Elected Notary ---------- 1/9 Goethe retired due to Revolt 1/9 Nominations open 1/9 neil Nominates 1/10 Murphy Nominates 1/10 Goethe Nominates 1/16 neil retracts 1/20 Voting begins (Murphy, Goethe) 1/28 Murphy Elected Payroll Clerk ---------- 1/9 Goethe retired due to Revolt 1/9 Nominations open 1/9 neil Nominates 1/10 Murphy Nominates 1/10 Goethe Nominates 1/16 neil retracts 1/20 Voting begins (Murphy, Goethe) 1/22 Goethe Steps Down 1/22 Murphy Elected Promotor ---------- 1/21 Nominations open 1/28 Nominations close (no Nominees) 1/29 Nominations open 2/5 Nominations close (no Nominees) 2/5 Nominations open 2/5 t Nominates 2/8 neil resigns; Speaker Steve becomes holder 2/14 t Elected Registrar ---------- 1/20 neil resigns; Speaker Steve becomes holder 1/21 Nominations open 1/22 Goethe Nominates 1/28 Goethe Elected Rulekeepor ---------- 1/9 Michael retired due to Revolt 1/9 Nominations open 1/9 neil Nominates 1/10 Michael Nominates 1/16 neil retracts 1/20 Michael Elected Scorekeepor ---------- 1/9 root retired due to Revolt 1/9 Nominations open 1/9 neil Nominates 1/10 Murphy Nominates 1/10 t Nominates 1/11 root Nominates 1/16 neil retracts 1/20 Voting begins (Murphy, t, root) 1/28 root Elected Speaker-Elect ---------- 2/8 neil resigns; Speaker Steve has just become Promotor, and is already Registrar, so Rulekeepor Michael becomes Speaker-Elect due to Order of Succession 2/10 Nominations open 2/14 t becomes Promotor, and thus becomes Speaker-Elect due to Order of Succession 2/17 Nominations close (no Nominees) 2/17 Nominations open 2/18 Goethe declines 2/19 Michael declines 2/25 Nominations close (no Nominees) 2/25 Nominations open 3/4 Nominations close (no Nominees) 3/4 Nominations open Treasuror ---------- 1/9 Goethe retired due to Revolt 1/9 Nominations open 1/9 neil Nominates (Proto-Budget sets everything to zero) 1/10 Murphy Nominates 1/10 Goethe Nominates 1/11 Murphy's Proto-Budget leaves everything unchanged 1/16 neil retracts 1/16 Goethe's Proto-Budget sets neil's Salaries to zero 1/20 Voting begins (Murphy, Goethe) 1/22 Murphy Steps Down 1/22 Goethe Elected Usuror ---------- 1/20 neil resigns; Speaker Steve becomes holder 1/21 Nominations open 1/28 Nominations close (no Nominees) 1/29 Nominations open 2/3 Sir Toby Nominates (Proto-Budget leaves everything unchanged) 2/5 Sir Toby Elected OLIGARCHS --------- 1/20 Oligarchy Auction ends. Goethe, root, and harvel win, at 1 Stem each. Over the next three days, each pays eir debt and becomes an Oligarch. 2/1 Auction begins for one position in the Oligarchy. 2/4 Auction ends. Michael wins with a bid of 10 Stems. 2/5 Michael pays eir bid and becomes an Oligarch. 2/28 Single-Bid Auction begins for one position in the Oligarchy. The Bid Inflation Factor is 0.5. 3/4 harvel resigns from the Oligarchy. Auction for 1 position starting 2/28 ---------- 30 OscarMeyr Auction for 1 position starting 2/1 ---------- 10 Michael Auction for 3 positions ---------- 2 Goethe 1 root 1 harvel PROPERTY AUCTIONS ----------------- 1/11 Looting Auction for Hooloovoo ends. Goethe wins with the only bid of 1 Indulgence. 1/20 Auction begins for 3 Papyri. Land Auction ends. Bids were (24 Murphy, 10 Goethe) with Murphy owing 10 Stems, except as noted. ( 1, -1) [Urbana/Aqueduct] (-1, -1) [Urbana/Aqueduct] ( 0, 1) [Wilderness/Desert] (-1, 1) [Wilderness/Forest] (24 Murphy, 20 Goethe; Murphy owes 20) ( 2, 1) [Water] ( 1, 2) [Urbana/Aqueduct] ( 0, 2) [Farmland] (25 Goethe, 24 Murphy; Goethe owes 25) (-1, 2) [Wilderness/Hills] (24 Murphy, 20 Goethe; Murphy owes 20) (-2, 2) [Water] (-3, 1) [Water] 1/23 Papyrus Auction ends with no bids. 2/5 Auction begins for 15 Indulgences. 2/11 Vickrey Auction begins for these units of Land: (-11, 22) [Wilderness/Desert] (-19, 22) [Wilderness/Desert] (-21, 6) [Farmland] ( 13, 22) [Wilderness/Forest] (- 4, 22) [Wilderness/Forest] ( 6, 22) [Wilderness/Forest] ( 19, -13) [Wilderness/Desert] ( 22, 10) [Wilderness] ( 22, 8) [Wilderness] ( 3, - 2) [Farmland] 2/12 Indulgence Auction ends. Taral wins 8 and Steve wins 7, at 100 Stems each. 2/14 Raffle begins for 3 Papyri, with a Ticket Price of 10 Stems. 2/18 Land Auction ends. Sir Toby wins with the only bid of 2 Stems, and owes just the Starting Bid of 1 Stem, except as noted. (-11, 22) [Wilderness/Desert] (-19, 22) [Wilderness/Desert] (Sir Toby bids 39 and owes 2) (-21, 6) [Farmland] (Sir Toby bids 31 and owes 1) ( 13, 22) [Wilderness/Forest] (- 4, 22) [Wilderness/Forest] ( 6, 22) [Wilderness/Forest] ( 19, -13) [Wilderness/Desert] ( 22, 10) [Wilderness] ( 22, 8) [Wilderness] ( 3, - 2) [Farmland] (Sir Toby bids 31 and owes 25) 2/21 Oerjan wins 2 Papyri and Sir Toby wins 1 Papyrus in the Raffle. 3/1 Auction begins for 9 lots of 0.1 VE. Minimum bid is 1 Stem. 3/6 AgorEx Offshore initiates an informal Auction for 6 lots of 0.5 Papyri, with a Minimum Bid of 0.05 VEs, and another informal Auction for 6 more lots of 0.5 Papyri, with a Minimum Bid of 0.2 Indulgences. These Auctions will follow the Default Auction Procedure, except that they will last at least 7 days (even if an early bid is followed by 3 days without any bids). Auction for 9 x 0.1 VEs ---------- 1200 Goethe 1001 Goethe - cancelled 800 Goethe 501 Goethe - cancelled 500 Michael 400 root 329 Goethe - cancelled 287 Goethe 255 Goethe 250 Michael 237 root 201 Goethe 183 root 167 Goethe 166 Michael 150 root 143 Goethe 126 Goethe 125 Michael 120 root 111 Goethe 100 root 100 Michael 93 Goethe 85 root 83 Michael 76 Goethe 75 root 71 Michael 66 root 62 Michael 55 Michael 41 Goethe 41 Goethe 41 Goethe 41 Goethe 41 Goethe 41 Goethe Raffle for 3 Papyri ---------- 3 Sir Toby 3 t 10 Oerjan Auction for 15 Indulgences ---------- 500 Steve - cancelled 300 Taral 200 Taral 150 Taral 125 Taral 112 Taral 106 Taral 103 Taral 102 Crito - invalid (not Acolyte) 102 Crito - invalid (not Acolyte) 101 Steve 101 Steve 101 Steve 101 Steve 101 Steve 101 Steve 101 Steve 100 Taral 88 Taral 80 Taral 72 Taral 66 Taral 61 Taral 57 Taral 53 Taral IN OTHER NEWS ------------- 1/14 Notary Goethe transfers Peekee's Property to the Bank. Goethe mints a Currency, "Cents of Decency". Goethe renames the ACE of SPADES Contest to "Go Fish!". 1/17 harvel becomes Noisy. 1/21 Registrar Steve announces eir intent to make a Public Forum. 1/22 Speaker Steve awards a Patronage of 25 Stems to neil for Revolution. 1/23 GWotO Steve announces eir intent to reduce the Oligarchy Auction Rate from 3 to 1. 1/24 Syllepsis becomes Noisy. 1/28 Registrar Steve makes a Public Forum, and announces eir intent to make no longer a Public Forum. GWotO Steve reduces the Oligarchy Auction Rate from 3 to 1. 1/29 Registrar Goethe announces eir intent to make a Public Forum, and to make no longer a Public Forum, in case ex-Registrar Steve's actions were ineffective. 1/31 Treasuror Goethe announces eir intent to restore neil's Salaries to their previous levels. Steve supports this. Speaker Steve awards a Patronage of 25 Stems to Goethe for Contestation. 2/1 Treasuror Goethe announces eir intent to lift the moratorium on Bank purchases of Stem Bonds. harvel supports this. Treasuror Goethe amends eir Budget as noted above. Sir Toby becomes a Watcher. Foul Weather destroys 188 Bank-owned Stems. 2/2 Goethe gains 10 Points from the Arcadia Exploranda Contest. 2/3 Sir Toby registers. 2/5 root names Murphy to succeed em as Vizier of Regroup. 2/6 Treasuror Goethe lifts the moratorium on Bank purchases of Stem Bonds, and (with support from root and Sir Toby) also lifts the moratoriums on Bank purchases of Indulgence and Papyrus Bonds. Payroll Clerk Murphy ratifies eir Report of January 29. Murphy consents to succeed root as Vizier of Regroup. Usuror Sir Toby announces intent to ratify eir Report. harvel Objects. 2/7 Murphy requests to be eligible to Judge CFJs. Speaker Steve awards a Patronage of 25 Stems to Sir Toby for Nomination. 2/8 Oerjan goes Off Hold. neil goes On Hold. 2/11 Registrar Goethe makes a Public Forum, and makes no longer a Public Forum. Mapkeepor root announces eir intent to use Stems as the bidding Currency in the upcoming Land Auctions. Sir Toby and Steve support this. 2/12 Crito becomes an Acolyte. 2/15 Sir Toby becomes a Scribe. 2/18 Goethe Wins due to having 100 or more Points. Sir Toby places a Toll of 0.2 Indulgences on (3, -2). 2/19 Rulekeepor Michael repeals Rule 2009 (the Rule defining Elder Oligarchs) as permitted by its own text. 2/21 harvel is marvy. 3/1 Treasuror Goethe announces eir intent to forgive harvel's Oligarch debt to the Bank, as harvel intends to resign from the Oligarchy and cast no further Votes on Ordinary Proposals. 3/4 OscarMeyr registers and becomes a Politician. Goethe gains 10 Points from Arcadia Exploranda. 3/6 Go Fish! awards Points as follows: 4 Taral 2 Steve 2 Michael 3 root 1 Murphy Goethe creates the Contest "ACE of SPADES". TRADE OFFERS ------------ Player Date Will sell In return for ----------------------------------------------------------------------- AgorEx 01/10/02 Papyri Negotiable harvel 02/08/02 Negotiable Papyri neil 08/21/01 0.2 VEs 2 Papyri per 0.1 VE pTang 08/07/01 Votes for Negotiable 2 months Razl 08/12/01 1 BIT 50 mVEs, 900 mP, or 437 mIN Steve 02/05/01 2 Indulgences 2 Papyri t 02/06/01 1 Papyrus 2 Indulgences t 08/29/01 Bond, 100 Stems Indulgences Taral 08/14/01 1 BIT Negotiable A Blue Yeek is a Player who generally intends to Vote on Democratic Proposals based on Blubbery Icky Thing holdings, as follows: * AGAINST, if the proposer has transferred a BIT to a non-Player or destroyed a BIT (Novice Rouge) * FOR, if the proposer has four BITs * AGAINST, if the proposer has one to three BITs * At will, if the proposer has no BITs and to return any BITs transferred to em. Syllepsis and Goethe are Blue Yeeks. -- Ed Murphy "I'm not sure I can go through with it. Leave, I mean."