From Mon Jul 8 22:08:42 2002 Date: Mon, 8 Jul 2002 02:04:50 -0700 From: Ed Murphy Reply-To: To: Agora Business Subject: BUS: Agoran Weekly Journal THE AGORAN WEEKLY JOURNAL VOLUME 48, ISSUE 20 Monday, July 8, 2002 HALF A DOZEN OF THE OTHER ------------------------- Andre - Stare Decisis Eris - Web Judiciary Goethe - Land of Arcadia harvel - THE END IS NI Lindrum - The AgorEx Michael - First Speaker Murphy - PokeNomic t - AWJ Archive ADOPTED PROPOSALS ----------------- "June Contested Proposal" by OscarMeyr - Proposal 4330 adopted 6/30 "Money Grubbing Contests" by Sir Toby - Proposal 4337 adopted 6/30 Stems may be transferred to/from a Money Grubbing Contest as specifically permitted in its regulations. "Quick Economic Fix" by root - Proposal 4331 adopted 6/30 All Stems are destroyed. The Bank gets 50,000 Stems. Each Player gets the New Player Award in Stems. "Turning a Blind Eye" by Murphy - Proposal 4335 adopted 6/30 The failure to assign Murphy to any CFJs from 1365 through the end of June 11 is deemed valid, even though e should have been assigned to something due to Rule 1871 (Turns for All). Murphy gets 14 Stems (less than a full Judicial Salary) as compensation. REJECTED PROPOSALS ------------------ "DATING" by Craig - Proposal 4310 failed quorum 5/27 - complacent Oligarchy - Proposal 4325 rejected 6/17 The year is 567889. "Massive Stem Destruction" by Sir Toby - Proposal 4334 rejected 6/30 45,000 Bank Stems are destroyed. "Multi-currency boni" by Craig - Proposal 4336 rejected 6/30 A Mentors' Bonus equals the New Player Award, not just the Stem portion. "Quick Economic Catastrophe" by Steve - Proposal 4332 rejected 6/30 - Opposite of Proposal 4331 All Stems are destroyed. The Bank gets the New Player Award in Stems. Each Player gets 50,000 Stems. "Returning the Family Silver" by Craig - Proposal 4326 rejected 6/17 Debts created by "MASSIVE CURRENCY UPHEAVAL" are cancelled. The Bank owes the return of each Player's non-Stem Bank Currency holdings, and half eir Stems, at the time "MASSIVE CURRENCY UPHEAVAL" was adopted. A statue is erected at (0, 0). "The Importance of Being Craig" by, you guessed it, Craig - Proposal 4309 failed quorum 5/27 - complacent Oligarchy - Proposal 4324 rejected 6/17 Create and repeal a Rule with empty text. Fail to create a Rule giving Craig a Win. "Uncool" by t - Proposal 4333 rejected 6/30 t becomes Scamster, Quack, Bard, Groovy, and Filthy Bureaucrat. t gains one billion points. t is installed as Assessor and Speaker-Elect. All Blots of all Players are expunged. PENDING PROPOSALS ----------------- "A Rather Silly Proposal" by Craig Everyone's Rules-Defined Name is rotated. "An Offering to The Goddess" by Steve The Bank owes 418 Stems to The Goddess Eris. (Eris overpaid an early, unsuccessful Stem tax. Then, before e got any of those Stems back, all actual/potential Stem debts were Proposed out of existence.) "Eligibility Fix" by Steve - Proposal 4343 A CFJ may be transferred to a Judge who is ineligible solely due to Rule 1871 (Turns for All), and the transferring Judge becomes eligible for the purpose of that Rule. "Fix FAQTP" by OscarMeyr If an Election is won during the Voting Period due to there being only one Candidate left, then it ceases to be contested. "Fix 'Overdue Debts'" by Steve - Proposal 4346 Persistent Indebtedness is postponed when the debtor (not eir Executor) is non-active. Only the Prime Executor with respect to satisfying the debt is penalized for Persistent Indebtedness. "Fix Property Protection" by root - Proposal 4340 Increase the Power of "Property Protection" to 2. (It was created with "Adoption Index of 2", which does nothing useful for Rules.) "Fix Robespierre - Take 2" by Sir Toby - Proposal 4339 Fix a typo in Rule 1923 ("it the Revolt" should be "if the Revolt"). "Fix Rule 594" by root An entity cannot increase its own Power, except as specified by Rule 594 (Power and Proposals). "Fix Wins" by Murphy The provisions of Rule 1638 (Announcing a Win) are moved into Rule 112 (Ways to Win and Preclusions Thereof). If a Player "Wins the Game" (rather than directly satisfying a Win Condition), then e satisfies a Win Condition for one week. "July Contested Proposal" by Steve "Notice me Once" by Goethe - Proposal 4345 For a given commission of an Infraction, only one Notice of Infraction may be announced. "NPA Fix" by Goethe - Proposal 4344 Rather than Ordering the Treasuror to pay out New Player Awards, the Registrar pays them out emself. "Overhaul Parliamentary" by OscarMeyr Parliamentary Proposals receive one Vote from each of the three Estates: Acolytes, Politicians, and Scribes. Player Votes are counted according to what would have been legal if the Proposal had been Sane. "Pragmatic Judge Selection" by root - Proposal 4342 Players ineligible to Judge due to Rule 1871 (Turns for All) are Turning Around and Around. Good-faith errors in following this Rule are allowed to stand as valid selections. "Quick Papyrus Fix" by Craig - Proposal 4338 The Treasuror shall pay out 1 Papyrus to OscarMeyr and 3 to Craig. Goethe is forgiven and Blot-expunged for failing to do so earlier. "Really, No Double Jeopardy" by Steve - Proposal 4341 No Player may be penalized more than once for any action or inaction that violates one or more Rules. Double-jeopardy CFJs lack standing. Rule 1816 (No Double Jeopardy) has its Power increased to 3. "Sheeting Home the Blame" by Steve Persistent Indebtedness is postponed when the debtor (not eir Executor) is non-active. PROTO-PROPOSALS --------------- "Accusation and Sentencing Reform" by harvel Sentencing Orders are a separate class of Order. All offenses (Crimes and Infractions) are reported via Notice of Accusation. Rule 1814 (Timing of Penalties for Crimes and Infractions) is merged into Rule 1503 (Crimes and Infractions). Sentencing Orders shall be restricted to what is necessary (as well as sufficient) to impose the penalty. A Notice of Accusation for a Crime is presumptively invalid, and must be proven true via CFJ. All other Notices of Accusation are presumptively valid. Rules 1812 (Notices of Infraction) and 1816 (No Double Jeopardy for Crimes) are merged into Rule 1504 (Sentencing Orders, renamed "Notices of Accusation"). "Alternative Weather Determination" by Sir Toby The probability of Foul, Fair, or Plenty Weather is proportional to the Stem holdings of the Bank, other non-Player entities, and Players, respectively. "balancing the powers of roles" by Craig A scribe's third and subsequent Rubberstamping each month costs half the Proposal's Distribution Fee. A Politician may Encourage Debate on a distributed Proposal with the support of an Acolyte or Politician, plus one more for each Proposal on which e has previously Encouraged Debate that week. Such a Proposal has its Voting Period extended by one day, and becomes Parliamentary. This can only be done once per Proposal. "Encourage Parliamentary Proposals" by OscarMeyr Adoption of a Parliamentary Proposal is worth 10 Points, rather than twice the number of AGAINST Votes. "Fight for Your Right to Party" by Murphy On Agora's Birthday, the Bank incurs debts, rather than the Payroll Clerk transferring anything directly. "Fix Rule 1439" by Murphy Rule 1439 (Blots Due to a CFJ) applies only to Rule violations for which no other Blot penalty is defined. "Optional Pay Out and Bill" by Murphy When a Player pays out or bills Property as explicitly permitted by the Rules, a corresponding debt is created. "Public Actions" by harvel A Public Action is an action defined as such by the Rules. A Player is authorized to perform a Public Action, unless otherwise specified. An authorized Player performs a Public Action by announcing that e does so. CALLS FOR JUDGEMENT ------------------- CFJ 1379 "root committed the Crime of Misrepresentation when e sent a message [FALSE] with the subject 'Transfers' to Crito and t on Mon, 27 May 2002 22:36:41 -0400." 5/28 Called by t 6/5-11 Assigned to OscarMeyr, who Judges FALSE Caller's argument (summary): root claimed to satisfy a debt that e knew did not exist. Judge's refutation (summary): It is reasonably possible that root believed the debt existed, given the recent high volume of activity. CFJ 1380 "The player Goethe has committed four counts of the Class Four Crime [FALSE] of Misrepresentation." 5/30 Called by Craig 6/8-9 Assigned to Steve, who Judges FALSE Caller's argument (summary): Goethe claimed to satisfy debts that did not exist, but may soon, when e knew they would not soon exist. Judge's refutation (summary): See CFJ 1382. CFJ 1382 "Steve has committed Misrepresentation." [FALSE] 5/30 Called by Craig 6/8-9 Assigned to Sir Toby, who Judges FALSE Caller's argument (summary): Steve claimed to satisfy debts that did not exist, but may soon, when e knew they would not soon exist. Judge's refutation (summary): The debts could have come into existence soon afterward, e.g. if a Proposal combating the effects of Proposal 4318 were adopted. CFJ 1383 "root's transfer of an instance of a nameless currency to nothing was [FALSE] valid." 5/30 Called by Craig 6/8-9 Assigned to root, who Judges FALSE Judge's refutation (summary): "Nothing" is not an entity, and thus it is an invalid transferee. CFJ 1384 "Craig's transfer of an instance of a nameless currency to the name Dismiss 'Beverly' was valid." 5/30 Called by Craig 6/8-16 Assigned to Goethe, who Judges DISMISS 6/10 Goethe Orders Craig to provide evidence and precedents CFJ 1385 "Proposal 4323 contains an Invalid Legislative Order." [TRUE] 5/31 Called by Goethe 6/8-9 Assigned to OscarMeyr, who Judges TRUE Caller's argument (summary): This does not create a debt, but merely Orders a transfer. The transfer is prohibited by Rule 1561 (Illegality of Bonus Clauses), and by clause (a) of Rule 1470 (The Bank). CFJ 1386 "The following provision of Proposal 4329 is without effect: 'all [TRUE] outstanding potential debts arising from past transfers are deemed, for the purposes of future debts, to have not occurred'" 6/12 Called by Goddess Eris 6/12-18 Assigned to Sir Toby, who Judges TRUE Caller's argument (summary): Potential debts come into existence in the future, but "deemed to have not occurred" attempts to reverse their coming into existence in the past. CFJ 1387 "Goethe has failed to pay three bonuses of 1 papyrus each to Craig for [FALSE] eir passed proposals: 'EPIMENIDES', 'INSANE STEM DISTRIBUTION', and 'SpLittable Boni'. This is a violation of rule 1678" 6/17 Called by Craig 6/17-18 Assigned to Steve, who transfers it to Murphy to be Linked to CFJ 1388 6/20 Murphy accepts transfer and Judges FALSE Judge's refutation (summary): Rule 1678 requires the Assessor to "pay out", not "pay". CFJ 1388 "Goethe has failed to award three bonuses of one papyrus each to Craig [TRUE] ASAP after the passage of eir proposals 'EPIMENIDES', 'INSANE STEM DISTRIBUTION', and 'SpLittable Boni'; this violates rule 1479." 6/17 Called by Craig 6/17-20 Assigned to Murphy, who Judges TRUE 6/20 CFJ 1387 becomes Linked to it 6/20 Murphy Orders a 1-Blot penalty due to Rule 1439 CFJ 1389 "The Bank incurred a debt of 0.1 Papyri to Steve as a result of [FALSE] Opposite Proposal 4332." 6/18 Called by root 6/19-23 Assigned to Steve, who Judges FALSE Caller's argument (summary): The Rules do not create a debt when a Player pays out Property, only when a Player is required to do so. CFJ 1390 "If Goethe becomes Lawless and is thus deregistered before Eris [FALSE] actually blesses the proposal, the proposal will not have the needed support to Bless it." 6/19 Called by Craig 6/19 Assigned to OscarMeyr, who Judges FALSE Judge's refutation (summary): The Blessing could be supported by another Acolyte (e.g. if e did so before seeing Goethe's support). Commentary: "The proposal" is "Quick Papyrus Fix". CFJ 1391 "Only one valid Notice of Infraction may be announced for a single [TRUE] given commission of an Infraction. Later Notices are either (1) invalid or (2) duplicates of the same Notice, without added effect." 6/19 Called by Goethe 6/19-25 Assigned to Sir Toby, who Judges TRUE 6/25-26 Appealed by Steve, root, and harvel 6/26 Appeal assigned to Murphy, OscarMeyr, and root 7/1 root moves to SUSTAIN 7/3 OscarMeyr and Murphy move to SUSTAIN CFJ 1392 "This CFJ is TRUE." Dismiss 7/5 Called by Craig 7/5-7 Assigned to Murphy, who Judges DISMISSED CFJ 1393 "This CFJ was submitted by Craig." [TRUE] 7/5 Called by Craig 7/5 Assigned to Goddess Eris, who Judges TRUE CFJ 1394 "This CFJ's judge is the Goddess Eris." [FALSE] 7/5 Called by Craig 7/5 Assigned to root, who Judges FALSE 7/6 Appealed by Murphy and Craig CFJ 1395 "This is not a CFJ." 7/5 Called by Craig 7/5 Assigned to Sir Toby CFJ 1396 "Craig submitted 5 CFJs on Friday, July 5." [TRUE] 7/5 Called by Craig 7/5 Assigned to Goddess Eris, who Judges TRUE CFJ 1397 "A Provision of an adopted Proposal that does not change the Ruleset may change a Player's Vote on a previous Proposal." 7/1 Called by Goethe - Linked to CFJs 1398 and 1399 Caller's argument (summary): This tests the application of Rule 594. CFJ 1398 "A Provision of an adopted Proposal that does not change the Ruleset may create a Stem in any Player's possession by its adoption." 7/1 Called by Goethe - Linked to CFJs 1397 and 1399 Caller's argument (summary): This tests the application of Rule 594. CFJ 1399 "A Provision of an adopted Proposal that does not change the Ruleset may destroy a Stem in any Player's possession by its adoption." 7/1 Called by Goethe - Linked to CFJs 1397 and 1398 Caller's argument (summary): This tests the application of Rule 594. OFFICES ------- 6/9 Goethe withdraws eir Nomination for Assessor. 6/10 t Nominates for Assessor, with a Proto-Budget setting the VEs per Player to 1.5. Goddess Eris submits a Proto-Budget setting the VEs per Player to 1.2. 6/11 t submits a Proto-Budget setting the VEs per Player to 1.0. Goddess Eris submits a Proto-Budget setting the VEs per Player to 1.0. 6/15 Nominations begin for Grand Warden of the Oligarchy. Voting begins for Assessor. Candidates are Goddess Eris and t. Voting begins for Mapkeepor. Candidates are OscarMeyr, Sir Toby, and Craig. Voting begins for Notary. Candidates are OscarMeyr, Sir Toby, and Craig. Voting begins for Scorekeepor. Candidates are OscarMeyr, Sir Toby, and Craig. Craig Stands Down in the Elections for Mapkeepor and Scorekeepor. Sir Toby Stands Down in the Elections for Notary and Scorekeepor. OscarMeyr is Elected Scorekeepor. 6/17 OscarMeyr Stands Down in the Elections for Mapkeepor and Notary. Sir Toby is Elected Mapkeepor. Craig is Elected Notary. 6/21 Goethe resigns as Assessor. Speaker Murphy is non-Electee Assessor. Goethe announces eir intent to resign as Registrar and Treasuror. 6/22 Election for Grand Warden of the Oligarchy ends with no Nominees. Nominations begin for new Election. t is Elected Assessor. 6/24 Steve Nominates for Grand Warden of the Oligarchy. 6/28 Goethe resigns as Registrar and Treasuror. Speaker Murphy is non-Electee Registrar and Treasuror. Nominations begin for Registrar and Treasuror. Steve submits a Proto-Budget setting the Oligarchy Auction Rate to 1 and the Base Seating Fee to 0.1 VEs. 6/29 Murphy Nominates for Registrar. 6/30 Steve is Elected Grand Warden of the Oligarchy. 7/1 Quarterly Speaker Transition occurs. Speaker-Elect Steve becomes Speaker. Registrar Murphy is non-Electee Speaker-Elect. 7/3 root Nominates for Treasuror, with a proto-Budget identical to the current Budget. 7/4 root submits a Proto-Budget reducing the Clerk of the Courts' Salary from 1.2 to 1.0 times the Basic Officer Salary. Nominations begin for Speaker-Elect. 7/5 Murphy is Elected Registrar. root is Elected Treasuror. OLIGARCHS --------- 6/12 Auction ends for 1 position. Craig wins with the sole bid of 1 Stem. 6/14 Craig becomes an Oligarch. 6/28 Goethe resigns from the Oligarchy. 6/30 Auction begins for 1 position. PROPERTY AUCTIONS ----------------- 6/9 Auction begins for 23 lots of 0.1 VE each. 6/17 Vickrey Auctions begin for these units of Land: (+5, -6) [White] (+5, -4) [White] (+3, -1) [White] (+1, +1) [White] (-1, -1) [White] (-6, +4) [Black] 6/18 Raffle begins for 5 Papyri, at 50 Stems per ticket. 6/23 Raffle ends for 5 Papyri. Steve wins 2, Craig wins 1, and OscarMeyr wins 2. 6/28 Auction ends for 23 lots of 0.1 VE each. Goethe wins 7, Steve wins 7, root wins 4, and Michael wins 5, at 115 Stems each. 6/30 Auction begins for 19 Indulgences. 7/1 Land Auctions end, with the following bids. (+5, -6) [White] 0.1 Eris 0.1 OscarMeyr 0.01 root 0.001 OscarMeyr (+5, -4) [White] 0.1 Eris 0.1 OscarMeyr 0.01 root 0.001 OscarMeyr (+3, -1) [White] 0.1 OscarMeyr 0.05 Eris 0.01 root 0.001 OscarMeyr (+1, +1) [White] 0.1 OscarMeyr 0.05 Eris 0.01 root 0.001 OscarMeyr (-1, -1) [White] 0.1 OscarMeyr 0.05 Eris 0.01 root 0.001 OscarMeyr (-6, +4) [Black] 0.1 OscarMeyr 0.02 Eris 0.01 root 0.001 OscarMeyr Auction for 19 Indulgences ---------- 50 Murphy 25 root 25 Murphy 24 Steve 16 Murphy 15 root 15 root 15 harvel 12 Murphy 10 root 10 root 10 Murphy 9 OscarMeyr 9 OscarMeyr 9 OscarMeyr 9 OscarMeyr 9 OscarMeyr 9 OscarMeyr 9 OscarMeyr 9 OscarMeyr 9 OscarMeyr 9 OscarMeyr 8 Steve 8 Murphy 7 Steve 7 Murphy 6 Steve 6 Murphy 5 Steve 5 Murphy 5 Murphy 4 Steve 4 Murphy 4 Murphy 3 Steve 3 Steve 3 Murphy 3 Murphy 3 Murphy 3 Murphy 2 Steve 2 Steve 2 Steve 2 Steve 2 Murphy 2 Murphy 2 Murphy 1 OscarMeyr 1 OscarMeyr 1 OscarMeyr 1 OscarMeyr 1 OscarMeyr 1 OscarMeyr 1 OscarMeyr 1 OscarMeyr 1 OscarMeyr 1 OscarMeyr 1 OscarMeyr 1 OscarMeyr 1 OscarMeyr 1 OscarMeyr 1 OscarMeyr 1 OscarMeyr 1 OscarMeyr 1 OscarMeyr 1 OscarMeyr Raffle for 5 Papyri ---------- 5 Steve 3 Craig 3 OscarMeyr Auction for 23 x 0.1 VEs ---------- 1000000 t - cancelled 1000000 t - cancelled 1000000 t - cancelled 1000000 t - cancelled 1000000 t - cancelled 1000000 t - cancelled 1000000 t - cancelled 1000000 t - cancelled 1000000 t - cancelled 1000000 t - cancelled 1000000 t - cancelled 1000000 t - cancelled 1000000 t - cancelled 1000000 t - cancelled 1000000 t - cancelled 1000000 t - cancelled 1000000 t - cancelled 1000000 t - cancelled 1000000 t - cancelled 1000000 t - cancelled 1000000 t - cancelled 1000000 t - cancelled 1000000 t - cancelled 1000000 t - cancelled 1000000 t - cancelled 6174 root - cancelled 926 root - cancelled 868 Goethe 800 Steve - cancelled 800 Steve 600 Michael 600 Steve - cancelled 463 root - cancelled 463 root 434 Goethe 400 Steve 308 root - cancelled 300 Michael 289 Goethe 270 Steve 231 root - cancelled 231 root 217 Goethe 200 Michael 200 Steve 185 root - cancelled 173 Goethe 160 Steve 154 root - cancelled 154 root 150 Michael 144 Goethe 135 Steve 132 root - cancelled 124 Goethe 120 Michael 115 root - cancelled 115 root 115 Steve 108 Goethe 102 root - cancelled 100 Michael 100 Goethe - cancelled 100 Steve 96 Goethe 92 root - cancelled 92 root 90 Steve 86 Goethe 85 Michael 84 root - cancelled 80 Goethe - cancelled 80 Goethe - cancelled 80 Steve 78 Goethe 77 root - cancelled 77 root 75 Michael 72 Goethe 71 root - cancelled 70 Steve 66 Michael 66 root - cancelled 66 root 66 Goethe 65 Steve 62 Goethe 61 root - cancelled 60 Goethe - cancelled 60 Goethe - cancelled 60 Goethe - cancelled 60 Goethe - cancelled 60 Michael 60 Steve 57 root - cancelled 57 root 57 Steve 57 Goethe 54 root - cancelled 54 Goethe 53 Steve 51 root - cancelled 51 root 51 Goethe 50 Steve 48 root - cancelled 48 Goethe 46 root - cancelled 46 root 45 Goethe 44 root - cancelled 43 Goethe 42 root - cancelled 42 root 41 Goethe 40 Goethe - cancelled 40 Goethe - cancelled 40 Goethe - cancelled 40 Goethe - cancelled 40 Goethe - cancelled 40 Goethe - cancelled 40 Goethe - cancelled 40 Goethe - cancelled 40 root - cancelled 39 Goethe 38 root 37 Goethe 35 root 33 root 30 Steve - cancelled 30 Steve - cancelled 30 Steve - cancelled 30 Steve - cancelled 30 Steve - cancelled 30 Steve - cancelled 30 Steve - cancelled 30 Steve - cancelled 30 Steve - cancelled 30 Steve - cancelled 30 root 28 root 27 root 25 OscarMeyr - unclear qualifier 25 OscarMeyr - unclear qualifier 25 OscarMeyr - unclear qualifier 25 OscarMeyr - unclear qualifier 25 OscarMeyr - unclear qualifier 25 root 24 root 23 root 22 root 21 root 20 Goethe - cancelled 20 Goethe - cancelled 20 Goethe - cancelled 20 Goethe - cancelled 20 Goethe - cancelled 20 Goethe - cancelled 20 Goethe - cancelled 20 Goethe - cancelled 20 Goethe - cancelled 20 Goethe - cancelled 20 Goethe - cancelled 20 Goethe - cancelled 20 Goethe - cancelled 20 Goethe - cancelled 20 Goethe - cancelled 20 Goethe - cancelled 20 root TECTONIC ACTIVITY ----------------- Movement: 7/1 Goddess Eris - (+4, -5) Changing the Land Type of a random adjacent unit of Land: 6/17 Sir Toby - White 7/1 Steve - White root - White IN OTHER NEWS ------------- 6/5 Steve becomes a Filthy Bureaucrat. 6/11 Payroll Clerk root levies a 50% Stem tax, as Ordered by Proposal 4318. Murphy makes emself eligible to Judge CFJs, in case e is not already. 6/13 Murphy names OscarMeyr to become Vizier of Regroup. Assessor Goethe (by eir Attorney Steve), with the support of Sir Toby, changes the Mode of Voting on Proposals to Public. 6/14 Craig dissolves "Craig's Contest Scam" and creates the Contest "Agoran Gamblers' Chess". 6/15 Craig dissolves "Agoran Gamblers' Chess". 6/16 Goddess Eris destroys the Currency "Zorkmids". 6/17 OscarMeyr consents to become Vizier of Regroup. 6/19 Goethe, Steve, Murphy, root, and OscarMeyr become Scamsters. Craig grants eir Power of Attorney to Goddess Eris (who consents) from June 25 at 00:00:01 EDT (-0400) to July 4 at 23:59:59 EDT (-0400). 6/30 Craig (by eir Attorney Goddess Eris) awards a Mentor's Bonus of 80 Stems to Goddess Eris, 30 to Sir Toby, and 10 to OscarMeyr. 7/2 Each Player gets a Birthday present of 50 Stems. 7/4 harvel becomes Active. 7/5 Weather is Fair. No net change in the Bank's Stem holdings. 7/8 Murphy becomes an Acolyte. TRADE OFFERS ------------ Player Date Will sell In return for ----------------------------------------------------------------------- AgoraEx 01/10/02 Papyri Negotiable harvel 02/08/02 Negotiable Papyri neil 08/21/01 0.2 VEs 2 Papyri per 0.1 VE OscarMeyr 07/03/02 Oligarch Vote URLs to recent photos of a Player standing on eir head Steve 02/05/01 2 Indulgences 2 Papyri t 02/06/01 1 Papyrus 2 Indulgences ERRATA ------ Two of Craig's Excess CFJs of May 8 were re-submitted as CFJs 1383 and 1384, not 1382 and 1383 as previously claimed. -- Ed Murphy "I'm not sure I can go through with it. Leave, I mean."