THE AGORAN WEEKLY JOURNAL VOLUME 49, ISSUE 3 Easter Sunday, April 20, 2003 ELLIPTICAL OBJECTS ------------------ Andre - Stare Decisis Eris - Web Judiciary Michael - First Speaker Sir Toby - Map of Arcadia t - AWJ Archive ADOPTED PROPOSALS ----------------- REJECTED PROPOSALS ------------------ "Passing Milkthistle By" by Sherlock - Contested Proposal 4476 failed quorum 4/14 "Teams clean up" by Peekee - Proposal 4475 rejected 4/14 Repeal Rule 112 (Ways to Win and Preclusions Thereof), since wins are now awarded to Teams rather than individual Players. "Votes of No Confidence" by Sherlock - Proposal 4477 rejected 4/14 Presence is repealed. A Vote of NO CONFIDENCE does not count toward Quorum. PENDING PROPOSALS ----------------- "Clarify Contest Entry Fees" by OscarMeyr - Proposal 4478 failed quorum 4/14 - Complacent Oligarchy - Proposal 4484 Rule 1539 (Regulations and Membership of Contests) no longer requires payment of the Entry Fee if the Contest does not have one. "Default Budgets and Election Errors" by Steve - Proposal 4474 failed quorum 4/7 - Complacent Oligarchy - Proposal 4480 Nominations without a Proto-Budget are automatically associated with one identical to the current Budget. (If that is invalid, then the nomination is automatically withdrawn.) Election results are valid unless challenged within seven days. "Fix Dereliction of Duty" by root - Proposal 4481 Officers cited for Dereliction of Duty are removed, not retired. Blob is mauve. "Fix PWIN" by Peekee - Proposal 4473 failed quorum 4/7 - Complacent Oligarchy - Proposal 4479 PWIN is set to 100. This repairs part of Rule 1990 (Points Contests) that was accidentally broken when Teams were introduced. PPP is repealed. (This would break a different part of Rule 1990.) "Fix PWIN V2" by Peekee - Proposal 4485 PWIN is set to 100. This repairs part of Rule 1990 (Points Contests) that was accidentally broken when Teams were introduced. "More Useful Stem Weather" by OscarMeyr - Proposal 4482 The destruction phase of Weather remains limited to the Bank's holdings, but the creation phase is no longer proportionally limited. "Of what worth honor?" by Michael, Goethe, et al. Rubberstamping, absolution, and debate (changing the chamber of a proposal) are generalized into energetic actions, and made 1 support/Currency more expensive. Each Player has a number of Kudos. Fees are in kudos. Once a week, a Player may transfer a kudo from one Player to another (e cannot be the recipient), with reasons, provided e emself has at least one kudo. Patent Titles may be Ephemeral. Boons and Albatrosses are Ephemeral Patent Titles. Daffodills are generic Boons. Carcasses are generic Albatrosses. The Herald's Budget includes the Tabla Rasa, an integer between 5 and 25. Each quarter, each Player's kudos are set equal to the Tabla Rasa, plus the number of eir boons, minus the number of eir albatrosses; Agora's kudos are set equal to the Tabla Rasa times the number of players; and all Ephemeral Patent Titles are revoked. The Tabla Rasa is initially 5. Stems, Indulgences, VEs, Papyri, and Land are redeemed in Daffodils. Fees are in kudos. Agora's kudos are increased by the fee. If an action is attempted with insufficient kudos, and a Player's announcement of it is confirmed, then the recordkeepor must either (with support) announce that it did not occur, or (without 3 objections) announce that it did occur. In the latter case, the Player pays what kudos e can, and receives albatrosses for the difference. New Players receive twice the Tabla Rasa. Mentors receive the Boon of Mentorship; the Protege receives the Boon of Politeness. Salaries, the Speaker's Gratuity, and the Distributor's Gratuity are replaced with Daffodils. Judicial Salaries are replaced with the Boon of Wisdom, and their revocation with the Albatross of Foolishness. Birthday gifts are replaced with the Boon of Celebration, and birthday contest awards with the Patent Title of Nth Anniversary Ribbon. Changing role early costs 2 or 6 kudos. Monks are repealed. Successful Rebels receive the Ephemeral Patent Title of Rebel Hero. The Indulgence tax for successful Rebellion is repealed. The GWotO's Budget contains the Oligarchy Charge Requirement (a positive integer less than 10, initially 6) and the Oligarchic Term (a number of days between 30 and 90, initially 60). Any Player may join the Oligarchy by paying the Charge Requirement (halved for Politicians), and buy additional terms for the same price. E is removed after the end of eir term(s). Appointed Oligarchs get half a term. The Treasuror is merged into the Notary. Papyri are repealed. On Democratic Proposals, non-Oligarchs have a Voting Power of two plus eir Voting Potential; Oligarchs, one plus eir Voting Potential. Voting Potentials are zeroed monthly. A Player may buy a Voting Potential of N (positive integer) by paying the Oligarchy Charge Requirement times N. Simplifying the Rules via repeal gains the Ephemeral Patent Title of Tapecutter. Proposal adoption during Grace Period gains the Ephemeral Patent Title of Prodigy. Embezzlement is repealed. Looting Auctions are repealed. Levying Taxes is repealed. Speaker's Patronage is replaced with the Ephemeral Patent Title of Gold Star. Non-standard Auction procedures are repealed. Indulgences are repealed. Expunging Blots costs 1 kudo per Blot. Being Pardoned for Lawlessness restricts energetic actions. Team Wins are rewarded with the Ephemeral Patent Title of Team Ribbon. Land is repealed. "Streamline complacency" by root If there are too few Oligarchs to meet quorum, then the Assessor may publish a Notice of Complacency before the end of the Voting Period. "Team Shuffling" by Peekee - Proposal 4483 Upon a Team Win, the highest-Scoring Player in the highest-Scoring Team is assigned to the lowest-Scoring Team, and the lowest-Scoring Player in the lowest-Scoring Team is assigned to even out Team sizes. Ties are broken by the Scorekeepor's choice. "Teams clean up" by Peekee - copy of Proposal 4475 Repeal Rule 112 (Ways to Win and Preclusions Thereof), since wins are now awarded to Teams rather than individual Players. PROTO-PROPOSALS --------------- "Discretionary Billing" by Murphy Optional billing is supported, so that it will generate appropriate debts. Paying out and billing are explicitly done by announcement. Obligation to announce may be cancelled by forgiving debt, as well as satisfying it. CALLS FOR JUDGEMENT ------------------- *** Rule 1567 causes ineligibility by request to expire after one month *** CFJ 1438 "The Order issued by Steve, [TRUE] 'I order the Bank to forgive RedKnight's Oligarchy upkeep debt.' ( is not a properly-issued Order." 2/18 Called by Goethe 2/18-3/2 Assigned to Sir Toby, who defaults 3/9 Incorrectly assigned to Blob, who is Unready and thus ineligible 3/9-23 Assigned to Cecilius, who is recused 3/31 Assigned to Pakaran 4/14 Assigned to Murphy, who Judges TRUE Caller's argument (summary): A Rule bug prevents the GWotO from obeying the first requirement of Rule 2010. Issuing this Order is the second requirement of Rule 2010. The Order is valid, but may be improper under the circumstances. CFJ 1446 "The Proposal 'Try Again, Part 1 of 3' is distributable." Linked to CFJ 1447 3/2 Called by Murphy 3/9-23 Assigned to Cecilius, who is recused 3/31 Assigned to Blob Caller's argument (summary): Murphy claimed to rubberstamp, without specifying a method. Later, e claimed that e had done it by paying a Fee of 0 Papyri. During the week in which e claimed to rubberstamp, e had not previously rubberstamped anything. CFJ 1447 "The Proposal 'Try Again, Part 2 of 3' is distributable." Linked to CFJ 1446 3/2 Called by Murphy 3/9-23 Assigned to Cecilius, who is recused 3/31 Assigned to Blob Caller's argument (summary): Murphy claimed to rubberstamp by paying a Fee of 0 Papyri. During the week in which e made this claim, e had not previously rubberstamped anything. CFJ 1449 "The Proposal entitled 'Full Discretion Fix' would have been [TRUE] Rubberstamped by the message sent by Cecilius today under the Appealed subject line 'Rubberstamping, Take Two,' if that Proposal had not already been Rubberstamped." Linked to CFJ 1448 3/3 Called by Cecilius 3/9-17 Assigned to Goethe, who Judges TRUE 3/20 Appealed by Steve, Sir Toby, and Pakaran 3/20 Appeal assigned to Steve, Eris, and Pakaran 3/24 Steve moves to overturn and reverse 3/31 Eris moves to overturn and remand Judge Steve's refutation (summary): Transfers (even of 0) require a valid Notice of Transfer, and a Notice of Transfer for 0 cannot be valid. Commentary: A Rubberstamped Proposal may be Rubberstamped again. CFJ ???? "The public message sent by Goethe on April 1st created a requirement for at least one Officer to act as soon as possible [after the message]." 4/4 Called by Goethe Commentary: The message in question was written in Turkish. OFFICES ------- 4/14 RedKnight is elected Grand Warden of the Oligarchy. Steve is elected Justiciar. 4/15 Term of Service ends for Registrar. Nominations open. Mode is Selfless. Murphy nominates Manu for Registrar. 4/20 OscarMeyr is Elected Treasuror. Voting opens for Speaker-Elect. Nominees are Blob, Cecilius, Manu, Maud, Murphy, Pakaran, Peekee, Sherlock, Sir Toby, Steve, and t. OLIGARCHS --------- 4/10 root joins the Oligarchy. PROPERTY AUCTIONS ----------------- 4/15 Auction begins for 1 Papyrus. 4/20 Results of Indulgence auction announced, but they are invalid because 10 of root's tickets were overlooked. Auction for 1 Papyrus beginning 4/15 ---------- 3 Steve 1 Sir Toby Raffle for 20 Indulgences beginning 4/9 ---------- 40 Sir Toby 30 root 25 Cecilius 14 Murphy 11 RedKnight TECTONIC ACTIVITY ----------------- Movement: 4/13 Q*Bert - ( 0, +2), turning it Purple Changing the Land Type of Aether: 4/8 Pakaran - (+2, -5) - White (random adjacent) 4/8 Pakaran - ( n/a ) - n/a (random adjacent, insufficient action units) 4/8 OscarMeyr - (-2, -3) - Black (random adjacent) 4/20 Sir Toby - (+5, 0) - White (chosen) Transfers: 4/20 ( 0, +1) from Steve to the Land Bureau, after it became Aether Vickrey Auctions beginning 4/10, bids paid and land transferred 4/20 ---------- (+9, +3) [White] 0.4 Sir Toby (+8, +6) [White] 0.5 Manu, 0.4 Sir Toby (+5, -1) [Black] 0.4 Sir Toby (+4, -2) [Black] 0.4 Sir Toby (-1, -2) [Black] 0.4 Sir Toby (-2, -1) [White] 0.4 Sir Toby (+1, -5) [Black] 0.4 Sir Toby (-3, -1) [Black] 0.4 Sir Toby (-2, 0) [White] 0.4 Sir Toby ( 0, -5) [Black] 0.4 Sir Toby IN OTHER NEWS ------------- 4/13 Maud goes On Hold. 4/18 Sherlock leaves the Contest "Sherlock's Cafe Americain", which dissolves. 4/20 Maud comes Off Hold. TRADE OFFERS ------------ Player Date Will sell In return for ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Eris 11/17/02 Land VEs / Negotiable Eris 01/26/03 1 Poncho 5 Indulgences OscarMeyr 09/22/02 Oligarch Votes Rubberstamp eir Proposals Peekee 09/10/02 Stem transfers Negotiable Peekee 11/28/02 Game help Currency / Game help Peekee 11/28/02 Rubberstamping Currency / Game help Peekee 11/28/02 Votes Currency / Game help Peekee 11/28/02 0.13 Indulgences 1 Unit of Land Peekee 11/28/02 2 Stems 1 Unit of Land Peekee 11/28/02 15 Stems 1 Indulgence Peekee 11/28/02 1 Indulgence 20 Stems Peekee 11/28/02 15 Stems 0.1 VE Peekee 11/28/02 0.1 VE 25 Stems RedKnight 10/14/02 Oligarch Votes VEs root 04/01/03 1 Bouncy Ball 0.05 VEs root 04/01/03 1 Bouncy Ball 0.75 Papyri * Peekee's offers are non-binding * Peekee's Grubbing Contest may be used to transfer Stems ERRATA ------ Speaker Michael was also ineligible to be nominated for Speaker-Elect.