Subject: BUS: Agoran Weekly Journal From: Ed Murphy Date: Sun, 05 Jun 2005 03:52:51 -0700 To: Agora Business THE AGORAN WEEKLY JOURNAL VOLUME 49, BACK ISSUE 19 Friday, December 31, 2004 FOUR EIGHT FIFTEEN SIXTEEN TWENTY-THREE FORTY-TWO ------------------------------------------------- Andre - Old CFJs Elysion - Thesis archive Goethe - Claustronomic Michael - First Speaker Murphy - CotC Web root - Proposal Pool ERRATA ------ ADOPTED PROPOSALS ----------------- "Battery Packs" by Goethe - Proposal 4618 adopted 11/20 Each player voting for this proposal gains 10 Voting Potential. "Buying Seats" by Goethe - Proposal 4619 adopted 11/20 Each Shareholder gains 12 Voting Potential. "Card Cards" by Goethe - Proposal 4620 adopted 11/20 New Card property "Delayed[N]". A Gambler may play a Delayed[N] card at most once every N*24 hours. New Card "Your Turn" (Budgeted, initially 5; choose a player who must play or discard within 72 hours, or commit the Infraction of Delay of Game). New Card "Discard Picking" (Budgeted, initially 4, Delayed[4]; a card that was played or discarded in the past 72 hours is transferred from the Deck to you). New Card "Enforced Charity" (Budgeted, initially 3, Delayed[3]; choose a player who must transfer a card to you within 72 hours, or commit the Infraction of Greed). New Card "Drop Your Weapon" (Budgeted, initially 2; choose a gambler and one of eir cards to discard it). New Card "Presto!" (Budgeted, initially 1, Delayed[7]; choose a gambler and one of eir cards to transfer it to you). "Cards for Votes" by Goethe - Proposal 4622 adopted 11/20 New Card property "Grafty". Grafty cards are Budgeted, with initial quota of one (created in the Deck) plus one for each player who voted for the proposal to make them Grafty (created in that player's possession). Any previously existing copies are destroyed first. "Clean up Monk reporting" by OscarMeyr - Proposal 4614 failed quorum 9/21 - Complacent Corporation - Proposal 4616 adopted 10/1 Repeal a remaining reference to Monks. "Crashing the Party" by Goethe - Proposal 4630 adopted 12/19 New Card "Chaos Apple" (Handed[5], Delayed[7], Kallesti!; once a quarter, playing this card requires the Deckmastor to transfer all non-Deck cards to a temporary Gambler, Fate, then transfer then back randomly so that each Gambler's hand size is the same as before; if exactly one player publicly claims to be The Prettiest One after this card is played but before the scrambling begins, then e shall get this card). "Crimson Go" by Goethe - Proposal 4624 adopted 11/20 Initiative is a player switch (Gote, Sente). Rebellion resets all players to Gote. VPDP = Potential for Shareholders, 1 for other players. One Takeover Proposal may be submitted per month. It must specify a set of Corporate Raiders from 1/3 to 1/2 the number of active noisy players at the time of submission. All Takeover Proposals are Democratic and Sane. At the beginning of a Takeover Proposal's voting period, all players lose Sente. If a Takeover Proposal is adopted, all Corporate Raiders gain Sente. If it is rejected, all other players gain Sente. "Drinks on the House" by Murphy - Proposal 4628 adopted 12/19 Expunge all blots due to Apathy in the Herald's election ending November 21. "Limit Surprises" by root - Proposal 4627 adopted 12/3 Add Delayed [3] to It's a Surprise!. "No Point Anymore" by Goethe - Proposal 4614 adopted 10/10 The Maximum Hand Size may be from 2 to 10 (rather than 3 to 10). The Minimum Hand Size may be from 2 to 10, default 2. The Deckmastor's Budget includes one to three Winning Hands, each at least two Cards larger than the Maximum Hand Size. A Gambler whose Hand is exactly a Winning Hand has 72 hours to announce it. If the announcement is false, e loses a random card. If it is true, e Wins, and gains the Boon of Pokerface and the Patent Title of Champion. Flux is a Gambler switch (Free, Frozen). One week after a true announcement, all Gamblers except the Deck are frozen, and lose random cards to reduce their hands to the Minimum Hand Size. The Winner then gains cards up to the Maximum Hand Size, and all Gamblers are unfrozen. If there is no win in six months, then any Gambler may announce a Skunk, which triggers the freezing process. The initial Winning Hands are Three Trios: (Distrub-u-Matic, Absolv-o-Matic, Debate-o-Matic)x3 Dead Man's Hand: Dud, Dud, Dud, Dud, Dud, Dud, Dud The Team with the most points gets the usual benefits of a Team Win. Repeal Scores, Teams, Contested Proposals and Elections, Champion's Contests, the Patent Title of Admiral, and various Score-related Cards and other rule effects. "Officer card bonus" by Goethe - Proposal 4625 adopted 11/20 Each office, plus the Speakership, increases the player's effective Maximum Hand Size by one. "Potential Decay" by Goethe - Proposal 4621 adopted 11/20 Instead of being zeroed each month, Voting Potentials are halved (and rounded down to an integer). "Powered Cards" by root - Proposal 4631 adopted 12/19 New Card property "Powered[X]". The Card's Power is X. Exploit requires additional fee of X-1 unless it explicitly specifies otherwise. Debate-o-Matic becomes Powered[2]. The Power of Rule 2067 (Cards in Play) is changed to 2, so that its assignment of Power to Debate-o-Matic is effective. "Quorum for Referenda and Elections" by Murphy - Proposal 4629 adopted 12/19 Quorum for Referenda and Elections is 1/3 of voters, rather than 1/2. "Some card fixes" by Goethe - Proposal 4626 adopted 11/20 The Power of Rule 2067 (Cards in Play) is increased from 1 to 2, so that Debate-o-Matic can be effective. A missing "cards" is added to Rule 2075 (Winning Hands). An explicit definition of Political Charge is added to Rule 2052 (Voting Potential). "Vote Cards" by Goethe - Proposal 4623 adopted 11/20 New Card "Coalition" (Grafty; change a Voting Potential by N for a fee of N for yourself, 2*N for another). New Card "Patronage" (Grafty; change the Political Charge by N for a fee of 4*N). New Card "Policy" (Budgeted, initially 8; sanitize a proposal). New Card "Procedure" (Budgeted, initially 8; abort a non-sane proposal and make it undistributable). REJECTED PROPOSALS ------------------ "Reshuffle!" by OscarMeyr - Proposal 4617 rejected 10/25 All pending draws are cancelled. All non-Stock cards are returned to the Deck. The Deckmastor shall deal random cards to bring each player's hand up to three cards. PENDING PROPOSALS ----------------- "A Different Takeover" by Goethe Takeover Proposal. Corporate Raiders are Pakaran, Sir Toby, Riail, RedKnight, and Sherlock. "A Takeover" by Goethe Takeover Proposal. Corporate Raiders are Maud, Michael, Pakaran, Sir Toby, Riail, RedKnight, and Sherlock. "December Power Play" by Goethe - Proposal 4632 Takeover Proposal. Corporate Raiders are Maud, Michael, Pakaran, Sir Toby, RedKnight, and Sherlock. "Herald the Herald" by Murphy Install OscarMeyr as Herald. "Penalties for Stock Cards" by Goethe One Share becomes Handed[2]. Two Shares becomes Handed[3]. Three Shares becomes Handed[4]. "Pragmatic deals" by Goethe - Proposal 4633 If the Deckmastor errs in good faith in choosing a card to deal, and the probability of choosing that card is not greatly changed, then the deal stands. PROTO-PROPOSALS --------------- "Boons for Proposals" by OscarMeyr Boon of Right of Passage for adoption of an interested proposal. Albatross of Left of Passage for rejection of an interested proposal. "Card Stasis" by Eris Replace the Card "Player Stasis" (temporarily preventing a player from playing Cards) with "Card Stasis" (temporarily preventing a Card from being played). "Cards for Proposals" by OscarMeyr When a proposal is adopted, the proposer gains a pending draw. Hand limit applies only if the proposal was disinterested. "Clarify Ineffectiveness" by Murphy Naughty proposals are not implemented, even if adopted (but may trigger Rule-based side effects). Proposals attempting to change votes, or offer bribes for voting FOR or AGAINST, are naughty. "Clarify Rule 1006" by Murphy Replace "shall be held" with "shall become held" in the Speaker-is- default-office-holder clause. "Crimson Permanent Assurance" by Murphy Repeal Cards, including Shares. Initiative is a player switch (Gote, Sente). Shareholders are players with Sente. Rebellion resets all players to Gote, instead of returning all Shares to the Deck. VPOP = 1 for Shareholders, 0 otherwise. VPDP = 2+Potential for Shareholders, 1+Potential for other players. One Takeover Proposal may be submitted per month. It must specify a set of Corporate Raiders, including the submitter, and from 1/3 to 1/2 the number of active noisy players at the time of submission. It must have AI >= 2. If a Takeover Proposal is adopted, all Corporate Raiders gain Sente. If it is rejected, all other players gain Sente. "Golden Handcuffs" by Riail New Card "Golden Handcuffs" (Limited [Shareholders]; players gain N kudos upon a Turning of the Parchment, where N = eir largest Share card; if Corporate Bankruptcy is played, they lose N kudos instead, but eir kudos do not go negative). "Power Limitations" If a Rule with Power = M defines a Nomic Property as N Constrained, then that property's value can only be changed by the direct action of an instrument with Power >= P, or by a mechanism explicitly and directly described in a Rule with Power >= P, where P = min(N, M). "War on Apathy" by Murphy The Infraction of Apathy is renamed Voter Apathy. When an election ends with no candidates, anyone that could have nominated someone but didn't commits the Infraction of Nominator Apathy. CALLS FOR JUDGEMENT ------------------- Requests for ineligibility: 12/10 Kolja (called before January 15, 2005) CFJ 1517 "Claustronomic is not currently an Agoran Contest." [TRUE] 7/29 Called by Goethe; part of Linked CFJs 1517 - 1518 7/31-15 Assigned to root, who is recused 8/1 root attempts to transfer to RedKnight, pending consent 8/15-29 Assigned to t, who is recused 9/5-19 Assigned to Sir Toby, who is recused 9/19-24 Assigned to Sherlock, who is recused 9/26-10/7 Assigned to Michael, who judges TRUE Caller's argument (summary): Goethe resigned as Contestmaster, and the Regulations do not specify a replacement. CFJ 1518 "Elysion was awarded 5 points on or about 29-Jul-04." [FALSE] 7/29 Called by Goethe; part of Linked CFJs 1517 - 1518 7/31-15 Assigned to root, who is recused 8/1 root attempts to transfer to RedKnight, pending consent 8/15-29 Assigned to t, who is recused 9/5-19 Assigned to Sir Toby, who is recused 9/19-24 Assigned to Sherlock, who is recused 9/26-10/7 Assigned to Michael, who judges FALSE Caller's argument (summary): Elysion was awarded 5 points in Claustronomic, and the Scorekeepor's Budget awards equal points in Agora without requiring Claustronomic to be a Contest. Judge's refutation (summary): Agora deems that Claustronomic does not exist, and also that the point award in Claustronomic does not exist. CFJ 1522 "A Player may NOT draw two cards without fee by playing It's A [TRUE] Surprise, if eir hand size is above the maximum." Part of Linked CFJs 1522 - 1523 10/26 Called by Goethe 11/6-10 Assigned to root, who judges TRUE Caller's argument (summary): It's a Surprise waives the fee, but not the hand size requirement. CFJ 1523 "If It's A Surprise is played when the hand size is above the [TRUE] maximum, the play wholly fails." Part of Linked CFJs 1522 - 1523 10/26 Called by Goethe 11/6-10 Assigned to root, who judges TRUE Caller's argument (summary): See CFJ 1522. It's a Surprise does not directly cause draws, but simply removes some restrictions from the usual draw mechanism. Judge's argument (summary): The exploit is the draw itself, not activation of an ongoing permission which may be used later, so It's a Surprise cannot be played when the hand size is above the maximum, and the statement is vacuously true. CFJ 1524 "A Corporate Bankruptcy card has been legally dealt to root." [FALSE] 11/4 Called by Goethe 11/6-12 Assigned to Maud, who judges FALSE Caller's argument (summary): Random card selections were performed before root drew a card. Judge's refutation (summary): The random selection must be performed after the draw. CFJ 1525 "The Patent Title of Champion defined in R2075 is different from [FALSE] the previous Patent Title of Champion." 11/15 Called by OscarMeyr 11/20-27 Assigned to RedKnight, who judges FALSE Caller's argument (summary): The current title's purpose (to indicate the latest winner) is different from the previous title's purpose (to indicate winners other than the latest). Judge's refutation (summary): Patent Titles are defined as "a legal recognition of a person's distinction", and the titles have no difference in this regard. CFJ 1526 "No player's Voting Potential has increased due to Proposal 4618 [TRUE] (Battery packs)." 11/20 Called by Murphy 11/20-12/4 Assigned to Kolja, who defaults 12/5-13 Assigned to Riail, who judges TRUE Caller's argument (summary): Rule 1561 (Illegality of Bonus Clauses) makes the proposal ineffective. CFJ 1527 "Goethe has nine Pennies." 12/14 Called by root 12/19 Assigned to Murphy Caller's argument (summary): One of the Pennies would have been an effect of the adoption of Proposal 4618. See CFJ 1526. OFFICES ------- 10/2 OscarMeyr becomes Speaker. root becomes Speaker-Elect. Nominations open for Speaker-Elect. Mode is Selfless. 10/3 Eris resigns as Deckmastor, Herald, and Notary. Speaker OscarMeyr holds these offices. 10/4 Sherlock declines eir nomination for Herald. 10/10 Nominations open for Deckmastor and Herald. Mode is Open. Sherlock is elected Notary. Nominations open for Speaker-Elect. Mode is Selfless. 10/12 Goethe nominates emself for Deckmastor, and submits a proto-budget: Maximum Hand Size: 7 Minimum Hand Size: 3 Card Quotas: Distrib-u-Matic : 30 Absolv-o-Matic : 20 Debate-o-Matic : 6 Dud : 25 Rebel Rabble : 8 One Share : 7 Two Shares : 4 Three Shares : 2 Winning Hands: Three Trios (Distrub-u-Matic, Absolv-o-Matic, Debate-o-Matic)x3 Dead Man's Hand (Dud, Dud, Dud, Dud, Dud, Dud, Dud, Dud, Dud) The CEO (One Sharex3, Two Sharesx2, Three Shares, any three others) 10/17 Goethe is elected Deckmastor. Nominations open for Herald and Speaker-Elect. Mode is Open. 10/25 Nominations open for Herald and Speaker-Elect. Mode is Open. 10/25 Sherlock nominates emself for Speaker-Elect. 11/6 Nominations open for Herald. Mode is Open. Murphy nominates OscarMeyr and emself for Herald. Sherlock is elected Speaker-Elect. 11/14 Voting opens for Herald. Candidates are Murphy and OscarMeyr. 11/20 Nominations open for Justiciar. Mode is Selfless. Murphy nominates Eris, Kolja, Maud, Pakaran, RedKnight, and Sir Toby for Justiciar. RedKnight and Maud decline eir nominations for Justiciar. 11/25 Nominations open for Herald. Mode is Open. Murphy nominates OscarMeyr for Herald. 12/5 OscarMeyr is elected Herald. Voting opens for Justiciar. Candidates are Eris, Kolja, Pakaran, and Sir Toby. 12/19 Nominations open for Assessor. Mode is Open. Murphy nominates emself for Assessor. Eris is elected Justiciar. SHAREHOLDERS ------------ 11/1 OscarMeyr receives One Share and Three Shares. Murphy receives Three Shares. root receives Two Shares. 11/9 OscarMeyr transfers One Share to Goethe. 12/15 OscarMeyr transfers Three Shares to Eris. 12/20 Murphy receives Two Shares. Riail receives One Share. CARDS ----- 11/20 root plays Distrib-u-Matic (for Limit Surprises). 11/27 Maud plays Absolv-o-Matic (for emself). 12/1 root plays Distrib-u-Matic (for Powered Cards 0.2). 12/13 Goethe plays Distrib-u-Matic (for December Power Play). 12/14 root plays Absolv-o-Matic (for emself). Riail's play of Absolv-o-Matic (for emself) fails because e cannot afford the fee. E later plays it successfully. 12/20 Goethe plays Absolv-o-Matic (for emself). Manu plays Enforced Charity (for OscarMeyr). IN OTHER NEWS ------------- 10/10 RedKnight alleges that Oerjan and Wes have abandoned the game. Registrar OscarMeyr confirms, and publishes Notices of Intent to Deregister. RedKnight makes t quiet. 10/13 Pakaran becomes noisy. 10/25 ADoP Murphy intends (without objection) to ratify eir latest report. 10/28 Riail goes on hold. 11/4 Maud comes off hold. 11/6 ADoP Murphy ratifies eir report. 11/14 Oerjan and Wes are deregistered. 11/20 RedKnight alleges that t has abandoned the game. 11/21 Registrar OscarMeyr confirms t's abandonment and publishes a Notice of Intent to Deregister. 12/1 RedKnight makes Pakaran quiet. Riail comes off hold. 12/10 Kolja goes on hold. 12/16 Manu registers.